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  1. jackinthebox

    could use an opinion or two

    Leafs starting to turn yellow, veins still green. Magnesium, or Manganese? Leafs arent twisting or anything, but I am losing a couple leafs a day, they turn yellow and then fall off, but veins stay green for a while. Wish I could get a picture but lended my camera to a friend for a week...
  2. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    yeah you can enter, what three you entering?
  3. jackinthebox

    HELP!!!!!!!!! i found a yellow leaf ...........................

    thanks for the look at your garden. Very beautiful = )
  4. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    everyones plants are looking good = ) My kahuna started flowering = (, was hopin it was get a bit bigger before doing so, but im just going to let it finish out. Ill have some pictures up soon of my girls = )
  5. jackinthebox

    First time postin in here, makin some brownies

    hey guys, havent been to the cooking with cannabis thread yet, but I am making brownies right now and thought I was check out how you guys make them. I put all my cannabis in oil and cook it on low for a couple hours. Im on 2 hours right now, I think im going to do it for 3-4 ish. After that...
  6. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    sorry been a bit busy with things. Nice lookin plant dutch master. pictures up tomorow morning, I promise = )
  7. jackinthebox

    Curing jar lids

    I think its just a convience thing
  8. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Everyones plants are looking good = ) 2 of mine showed sex today, one male and one female. Kahuna started flowering which sucks because its so small, I doubt I will get an ounce from it. Pics up tomorow
  9. jackinthebox

    T dub's 2nd G 13 haze go round

    keep it up t dub, your almost there = )
  10. jackinthebox

    Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna

    Update: I transplanted the two ones that were growing slow as shit into a new soil mix. its not quite the same mix that I transplanted the kahunas into, but its close. Just has a bit more Ocean forest in it. I also gave them a feeding after the transplant so hopefully they start to take...
  11. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    is anyone still in this competition lol? havent seen picture updates in a while from anyone but myself. By the way, my other kahuna showed its sex and it was male = (. O well the other one is female so ill get some clones from that one. But im replacing the kahuna with a plant I started 3...
  12. jackinthebox

    Spare Time Bag Seed Grow

  13. jackinthebox

    First Grow

    pics would be nice = 0
  14. jackinthebox

    Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna

    cant wait to see pics = )
  15. jackinthebox

    Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna

    haha i know = (
  16. jackinthebox

    Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna

    here you guys go, the kahunas are the bigger ones, and the smaller ones are from the mix. The ones after that are my bigger girls. Enjoy: heres a picture of one of the kahunas preflowers, shes a lady = ) here are pics of my 2 big girls
  17. jackinthebox

    Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna

    uploading pics right now = )
  18. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    that should be fine, perhaps give them a bit of a stronger dose if you arent already giving them 100%
  19. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    they look good man, they look like they could use some nutes tho.
  20. jackinthebox

    Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna

    sorry couldnt get the pics of her today, she was being bitchy. Ill try and get them tomoorow = ) Tomorow ill get picture of the bigger ones as well.