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  1. lio lacidem

    lost river genetics

    Anyone grow out any of their seeds? Just grabbed a pack of their FraggleBerries!
  2. lio lacidem

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Cool man thanks
  3. lio lacidem

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Wow thats a great deal 10 pack for $100. Have you grown anything by them?
  4. lio lacidem

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Just ordered off oregon elite.... got Alien Skunk from Shoreline, FraggleBerries by Lost River Genetics, and Randy Watson OG by Ript Genetics... cant wait to see what freebies come with them!
  5. lio lacidem

    Would like To Move To Florida, but any other ideas on where to move ?

    My thoughts on go on vacation, leave on probation, and return on violation.
  6. lio lacidem

    Diamotaceous earth question

    works wet or dry
  7. lio lacidem

    Diamotaceous earth question

    I use the garden safe. Yes It works. I just coat top of soil and water as usual to apply it
  8. lio lacidem

    Found one banana, whole room is fucked?!

    I remove the bananna in a diff room and then put plant back in room. Ive never had a room get seeded by one banana. If you have real good air extraction it helps as well. Now maybe if your plant was riddled with dicks then yeah id take her down.
  9. lio lacidem

    Found one banana, whole room is fucked?!

    I wish people like stoney mcphatter would stop giving advice that causes people to cull good plants. If you dont know what you are talking about why not keep quiet?
  10. lio lacidem

    Does Growing Eliminate Buying?

    Definately a trick question. Yes I usually have enough from each grow for me to last til next harvest but.............still doesnt stop me from grabbing any other fire I see. So its a yes and no question
  11. lio lacidem

    When to pick?

  12. lio lacidem

    Removing fan leaves?

    Imho its a overhyped played out weak bs strain. But thats whats great about marijuana strains I may hate it and someone else may love it.
  13. lio lacidem

    How Is My Electric Bill LESS when Growing? wtf

    The electric company sometimes estimates usage instead of actually reading the meter. The next bill will be higher im sure. My electric bill is $31 more when growing
  14. lio lacidem

    Removing fan leaves?

    Its ok blue dream sucks anyway
  15. lio lacidem

    Removing fan leaves?

    You do realize that upto 80% of light passes through the leaves right? No need to remove anything. Science baby!!!!!
  16. lio lacidem

    Hi how are these looking ?

    Come on man.....Are they female ? Your firstclue that they are females are the fact that they have buds
  17. lio lacidem

    Seeding Vs Clones For Higher Yeild ?

    This is all shit you should have taken into consideration before jumping in and thinking your gonna be the next big grower with $1000 investment. I have four grow closets 1 for veg, 1 for flower, 1 for males and 1 for mot her plants. I only grow for myself and family and just my flower room...
  18. lio lacidem

    white cobb webb looking substance

    Cob webs in bufs is usually from mites the dots look like mold but cant clearly see. I would definately bring it back to caregiver and not smoke. Pretty id find a new source if my caregiver gave me web weed!
  19. lio lacidem


    So another account to ask same questions?
  20. lio lacidem

    Seeding Vs Clones For Higher Yeild ?

    Thread number 96