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  1. jdubwetherell1988

    J*Dub's secret to excellent QWISO HASH OIL

    11 gram RUN: A WASH: B WASH:
  2. jdubwetherell1988

    J*Dub's secret to excellent QWISO HASH OIL

    Been making a bunch of different batches of QWISO lately using the same strain to get accurate results. I usually use 7 - 14 grams per batch. I only do 2 washes, A & B washes. 91% ISO ( thats the highest around town), coffee grinded (ONLY 1 QUICK PRESS) that way it doesnt get too finely broke up...
  3. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    FLOWER: Day 12 Slight nute burn? or deficency(calcium? magnesium?) What do y'all think??
  4. jdubwetherell1988

    Solvents for making hash oil

    Thats fine because terps Like limonene have healing properties and flavor of there own. I want the limonene in the final product.
  5. jdubwetherell1988

    MUST Winterize for Hard Shatter?

    Yield is usually 10-15 % 18-24 hour under a fan with a nylon stocking around the pyrex dish to keep floaters out. Yup no heat except to scrape it off the pyrex dish 105-110° F This is what it looks like after about 10-14 hours. The white is leftover water since iso evaporates faster than water
  6. jdubwetherell1988


    Does anyone know where to buy it locally?
  7. jdubwetherell1988

    MUST Winterize for Hard Shatter?

    I get hard shatter from QWISO TRAINWRECK ( 3 different runs/ same product for all 3 runs) 11gram run 7 gram run 7 gram run.again
  8. jdubwetherell1988

    Solvents for making hash oil

    What about LIMONENE as an extract solvent, thats gonna be the new favorite like PureGold, HolyWater, LiveResin,ect are 10-20% LIMONENE.( Natural or food grade Terp's) As mentioned a small jar of holy water, I think, has the same dankness as a bag of weed! Nothing but
  9. jdubwetherell1988

    Where to get these "HAT DABBER HOLDER CLIPS"??

    [nchy Cannoli, post: 11043651, member: 592093"]It is made by Happy Daddy Products guys, check online Yes exactly what I was looking for thanks
  10. jdubwetherell1988

    Where to get these "HAT DABBER HOLDER CLIPS"??

    At 7 mins 15 sec - 7 MINS 40 SEC theres a guy from brutal bee extracts that has this clip on the brim of his hat that can hold his dabber. where can i get one? Ive searched all over the internet for those "hat dabber holder clip" and cant find anything about them. So im wondering is there...
  11. jdubwetherell1988

    What's up with all these ingredients?

    Another way.of saying fresh frozen
  12. jdubwetherell1988

    What's up with all these ingredients?

    Looks like its listing the nutrients the plants were fed.
  13. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    DAY 2 of FLOWER
  14. jdubwetherell1988

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Some more Iso shatter from 11g's of Trainwreck harvest (flowers only) 1.5g = 14% yield
  15. jdubwetherell1988

    always taste like corn.. why?

    ALL ISO SHATTER 1.5g ISO SHATTER from 11g's of Trainwreck (Flowers only) 7 gram run of same Trainwreck (flower only) Another 7 gram run of same Trainwreck (flowers only)
  16. jdubwetherell1988

    always taste like corn.. why?

    I get that with mine to and I do everything the same as well except I also use 91% ISO instead of the 99% and I know what you mean by the corn taste especially after you take a hit and then suck the stale smoke out you can really taste it. I try not to taste it on exhale. I would like to know...
  17. jdubwetherell1988

    yeah its,

    yeah its,
  18. jdubwetherell1988

    2 DIY Dabber Stands

    That gave me an idea for another one.