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  1. jdubwetherell1988

    are my plants near ready to harvest? pics

    I hang two on the tomato ring of my plants all the way through flower
  2. jdubwetherell1988

    second harvest

    Yea curing usually will get rid of the hay smell and turn it into a dank smell
  3. jdubwetherell1988

    Are my buddies ready to be put to bed?

    and remember when they look ready, wait one more week. A wise grower once said.
  4. jdubwetherell1988

    Not a problem

    moth, kill it
  5. jdubwetherell1988

    Damn it wont let me send you or post the picture on here

    Damn it wont let me send you or post the picture on here
  6. jdubwetherell1988

    I can't remember off the top of my head, but here's a full picture of the plant.

    I can't remember off the top of my head, but here's a full picture of the plant.
  7. jdubwetherell1988

    I found this bug and have no idea what it is.

    id say scale. i found one on a stem yesterday
  8. jdubwetherell1988

    leaf eating/ blood sucking type bug?? what is it??

    Found it. Its a Florida wax scale (Ceroplastes floridensis) Comstock. Here's an online picture..
  9. jdubwetherell1988

    leaf eating/ blood sucking type bug?? what is it??

    Yes a SCALE insect. Thank you! How do you get them in your plant though?
  10. jdubwetherell1988

    leaf eating/ blood sucking type bug?? what is it??

    It ate leaves similar to a budworm. Just In the spot it was sitting in. I had to wipe the blood off after ripping it off my stem
  11. jdubwetherell1988

    leaf eating/ blood sucking type bug?? what is it??

    Its an outdoor plant
  12. jdubwetherell1988

    leaf eating/ blood sucking type bug?? what is it??

    Found a little nug was chewed on look around and found this stuck to the stem behind the bud, it was like sucking to hold to the stem, I pryed it off with tweezers and it was sucking on the stem, their was bllod left on the stem from where it was sucking. Have no clue, tick maybe? Only found one.
  13. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    I did this so I could figure out when to harvest the mother. So I harvested each clone at different times, until I figured out the best harvest date/ flowering time for the big girl outside... Very good technique for figuring out a bagseed's flower time/ harvest window.
  14. jdubwetherell1988

    anyone recognize this one

    Just snip the end of the leaf where it is with scissors. Easy
  15. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    All of the Clones, a couple weeks before harvest....
  16. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    This is a picture of the same clone about 2 weeks before harvest.
  17. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    this one along with 6 others were test runs. I cloned them, let them root in 7 days, and then they went straight to 12/12 (7 days after taking the cutting). Thats why. Only 68 watts of CFL for al 7 clones
  18. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    2-3 grams dry
  19. jdubwetherell1988

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    Got a Flowered/harvested Clone that I'm Re-Vegging right now. She's been on 18/6 light cycle for the last 7 Days.
  20. jdubwetherell1988

    Help me ID the strain of my plant, Week 5 Flower

    You think? She has NO more than 5 leaf leaves also