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  1. sine143

    Anyones Dog steal your stash?Brownies? I got some stories haha,Post em

    my friends 15 pound dog ate a whole Hubby bar once. scared the shit out of me at least.
  2. sine143

    The Weed Nerd~

    cause it allows you to maximize "your" grow space for sure! for someone running 6+ 1k lights with ample vertical headroom might try and beg to differ, but that person isnt me haha, I'm watching my blue dream mainline stack up right now!
  3. sine143

    The Weed Nerd~

    I'd like to see a 10 bean mainline run sub!!! or at at least a 5 v 5, vs traditional subcool aggro top. I def dont think it a teck for everyone (or I guess I should say, everyones particular environment), and a nugs has stated, he's finishing off with 24" 4-5 ozers. Id say if you were...
  4. sine143

    Opinions on leaf condition in supersoil.

    like I said, I was gonna end up trimming it anyways. It was deep at the bottom of the canopy, very low amounts of light penetrating anyways.
  5. sine143

    Opinions on leaf condition in supersoil.

    figured as much. =/ nothing I wasnt gonna trim off the bottom anyways. I assume its cause my guano was hotter than recomended and not compensated for.
  6. sine143

    Opinions on leaf condition in supersoil.

    having some minor leaf death on the lower branches of my blue dream bagseed. Heres a pic. What do you guys think?
  7. sine143

    A Word About Bag Seed

    currently on day 10 of flowering a "bagseed" of my own (came out of a HP of Blue Dream). looking great. looking very blue dream. hope it smokes like its mom =)
  8. sine143

    Nugbuckets Lab

    thanks, mine currently look like a solid green leaf mesh where yours is barren right now lol.
  9. sine143

    Nugbuckets Lab

    can we get some undercanopy shots of your 8 head? My Blue dream mainline is a fucking jungle.... dunno how aggressive to get with lower removal (the lateral branching is bonkers throughout).
  10. sine143

    SuperSoil in MicroGrow situation.

    are you saying that a cannabis plant grown in a 6 inch tall 1 gallon will form a similar root structure to that of a plant in a 24 inch tall 1 gallon?
  11. sine143

    Low CFM=High Temp?

    I would perhaps run both fans at the top as exhaust, raise the bins about an inch or 2 off the ground and put passive intakes on the bottom. Another great strategy for rubbermaid boxes is to put them on top of an existing floor A/C vent, esp since we're approaching the summer months.
  12. sine143

    SuperSoil in MicroGrow situation.

    I would try to use the tallest 2 liter pots you can find, or better yet, the tallest 1 gallon, so the roots have sufficient vertical space for you to pack enough supersoil in there to where it wont run out of gas early.
  13. sine143

    The Weed Nerd~

    Sub, I think we need "The Clockwork Orange". Timewreck x Agent Orange. mmmmmm =)
  14. sine143

    "Main-Lining" Ace Of Spades (tutoral)

    footprint of my plant is probably about 24" square right now (or at least it will be by the time stretch stops. Granted, once I trim I'm sure I could pack them in tighter. ug, you have any guidlines for how much I should prune off my lowers? some of of my lower lateral branching is going...
  15. sine143

    "Main-Lining" Ace Of Spades (tutoral)

    yeahhh. crack is directly down the center of one of the first 2 branches, vertically. goes all the way through, and is probably about an inch long.
  16. sine143

    "Main-Lining" Ace Of Spades (tutoral)

    fudged up a bit. was spreading the canopy manually with hands, heard a crack, on e of the 2 main lines had split on the vertical axis. duct tape and prayers.
  17. sine143

    1/3 super soil too hot, is SS flushable?

    retransplant. Might kill it anyways but if you take it out and wash some super soil off and put it back into base soil you should be okay.
  18. sine143

    "Main-Lining" Ace Of Spades (tutoral)

    so at this point you have trimmed the lower nodes off your 8 head? BD is at 10 days, super bushy down low. trying to figure out when to start removal.
  19. sine143

    The Weed Nerd~

    darn. too bad, love seeing his username next to my subscriptions for sure.
  20. sine143

    Existential Nihilism, a new form of freedom.

    somebody saw I heart Huckabees...