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  1. ZipDriveX

    What are you buying YOURSELF for Christmas?

    Ya, there's no other tablet I'd consider. I love my iPhone but my wife stolethe laptop so I need a bigger screen to surf RIU. :)
  2. ZipDriveX

    What are you buying YOURSELF for Christmas?

    I want nothing else but and iPad, I know I'm not getting one, and I'm too broke to afford one. FML
  3. ZipDriveX

    RIU Mobile?

    Anyone.....? Anyone.....? Bueler?
  4. ZipDriveX

    BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)

    Seriously? you get on me about not having a hood for my lights and YOU didnt even have one? Sheesh!! Hahaha I joke I joke I keed I keed!! call it "RST" for rough stress training lol. You should take that other one in the corner and put it in on the side of your Box that's still oPen :) fill...
  5. ZipDriveX

    2 Plants..2 Males?!? Help!!

    Shitty deal man :( my last plant was a male as well so I feel your pain :(
  6. ZipDriveX

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    Well ANYWAY it is now official, Alice is no more. She never showed any signs of growth and the othe three girls are all well on their way to growing their first set of fan leaves. I gently removed her from the soil and he small root was withered and shriveled up so I knew not to bother anymore...
  7. ZipDriveX

    Newbie here

    Gotcha, will be interesting to see what he's got planned :)
  8. ZipDriveX

    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Awesome looking start man! I'm deff subb'd into this one!! :)
  9. ZipDriveX

    BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)

    Here's hoping your "fallen soldier" has a prominant future!! ;)
  10. ZipDriveX

    RIU Mobile?

    Out of curiosity... How much would such a task cost to design and whatnot roughly?
  11. ZipDriveX

    RIU Mobile?

    Gotcha and I can feel ya there! Not worth cluttering up with annoying apps! Thanks Jesus!
  12. ZipDriveX

    RIU Mobile?

    I find it hard to believe that a forum as large as this one does not have a mobile version or use Tapatalk or other similar mobile apps. I am on smaller automotive forums that have mobile versions or use Tapatalk. Has anyone suggested this before? In sure someone must have. Happy Toking!!
  13. ZipDriveX

    What would you do in a power outage to hide smell?

    Lots and LOTS of dryer sheets!! ;) Just messin
  14. ZipDriveX

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    I can see if you really yank them off it's not good for them but I literally liftedthem off, no pulling required! I agree, saves them energy and time :) Of topic but DAMN this site needs a mobile version or app for my iPhone!!!
  15. ZipDriveX

    Can you use a carbon filter in a closet?

    Thought about making one just incase some un-pot-friendly visitors come over. The closet I use is in the far corner of the bedroom right before the main bathroom in the hall. I don't mind closing the closet and room door for a few hours to lower the smell some cause 99% of the time it's safe for...
  16. ZipDriveX

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    Holy crap I have an update already!! Now I feel like we're officially off and running!! The three oldest girls all grew enough in the past couple hours to nearly shed their shells! I helped them out a little bit and gently lifted them the rest of the way off for them :) Now they can finally get...
  17. ZipDriveX

    Newbie here

    Hmmmm, I wouldn't think it would hurt the roots, probably do them better to give them a little bit of stretching room (granted they're not really growing at this point in your grow). Also what do you mean by "pinching"? If it's a plastic pot and you didn't spend much on it you could always just...
  18. ZipDriveX

    Whys is everyone using CFL's?

    +1 as well as the fact that I can use them around the house after the grow lol
  19. ZipDriveX

    Newbie here

    I'm no expert but I don't think it would be too bad. If it's 77 at night what is it with all the lights on it? I go down to 65 at night and about 85 in the day. The only think I can think of is that the lower leaves won't get as much light since most all of it is coming in from the top. Granted...
  20. ZipDriveX

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    I think if it weren't for you I would pretty much be lol!