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  1. tripleD

    What's the best magnifier for Trich's??

    I am having a really hard time seeing my Trich's with my Carson pocket microscope, any suggestions on a better magnifier? Preferably under $75.00....... Thanks!! Also, best scale recommendations? Thanks!
  2. tripleD


    Dude, you are the sheeeut!! Thanks for taking the time to help this "newby".... I really appreciate it!!
  3. tripleD

    dried out leaves

    I'm using FF Ocean & I burned one with only 1tblspoon of Big Bloom per gal Now I'm using 1/2Teaspoon per gal. GL
  4. tripleD

    The leaves are drooping!!!! please help!!

    I use FF Ocean & had the same problem on my first plant because apparently FF doesn't do so well in those small cups, to hot I think. someone turned me on to this & it is working great for me! Fill a 3gal pot with FF Ocean, then saturate it (with RO water ph'd to 6.5)until you get runoff. Wait...
  5. tripleD

    Big news for Texas legalization!

    My favorite W.C. fields quote: "Twas a woman that drove me down the road to drink..... I never stopped to Thank her."
  6. tripleD


    HA! No, not yet..... but if I was, the first order of business would be to legalize recreational weed in Texas
  7. tripleD

    3 month old Auto won't flower...why?

    yea, she's been like that for 3 weeks now, I've never seen an auto get this bushy & not flower....Hopefully the 12/12 will do the trick
  8. tripleD

    3 month old Auto won't flower...why?

    I had it under a 400w CH for 2 months but now I have it under a Spydr600 LED. I think I will try to put it under a HPS light for 12/12 in about 10 days to try to trigger it to bloom... What do you think?
  9. tripleD


    Thanks roorsmooker & GreatWhite!! I've learned sooooo much already from RIU... EVERYONE on here is so helpful!
  10. tripleD

    Why sooooo different???

    Oh, and I got the seeds from Nirvana...
  11. tripleD

    Why sooooo different???

    Yea, I still have a long long way to go!! I mean, I am crawling along just fine, but everytime I stand up to walk I bust my azz!! lol
  12. tripleD

    Why sooooo different???

    Thanks dopeleader! Yea, the CH was supposed to do a much better job than the standard MH during flowering so I tried it because it was a lot cheaper than a LED, but I am now using a Spydr 600 LED for some plants that are now 5wks old & so far it is kicking butt compared to where the plants I...
  13. tripleD


    Thanks Hookah! I still have soooooooo much to learn!!
  14. tripleD

    Why sooooo different???

    Why are the size & shape of my 2 AK's small, inconsistent, & soooooo different from each other? Any suggestions to help me get the most compact, thick, narly buds out of my plants consistently? I grew both in 3gal pots with FF Ocean Forest. I used 1/4 teaspoon (250ml) of FF Big Bloom & 1/4 TS...
  15. tripleD


    OK, Thanks Purplehays1, I was starting to freak the F out!!!
  16. tripleD


    I just started growing & all I've grown so far are Auto Fems so I don't really have any experience with male or Hermies, so can someone tell me if this ak48 is ok or if it has Hermed out??
  17. tripleD

    Why is this happening?

    If these are AUTOS Try this next time: Put fox farms Ocean Forest soil in a 3gal container mixed with 30% Perlite. over fill the container with RO water to the point that water drains out of the bottom. Put seeds in a damp napkin for about 24 hrs or so (until they germ) & then plant them...
  18. tripleD

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Anyone got any info on the Spydr600 LED?
  19. tripleD

    First Grow - Equipment & Budget, looking for advice

    Use fox farms ocean forest mix with 30% perilite...You won't regret it! You WILL regret it if you use MG!