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  1. Sparkticus

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Sweet. No doubt, I've seen some sick solo grows on here...Just saying as a general idea for new growers. And as is also perfectly expressed by the pic, bigger pots = bigger plants. Nice shots, lol. Those plants are awesome considering the size of the container, but people running 5 and 7...
  2. Sparkticus

    Need help identifying bug

    Could be spring they leap around when you water?
  3. Sparkticus

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Check it out. You're problem started because you kept the plant for too long, in too little a container, with not enough nutrients. You said you switched into a bigger pot, but we see a picture of a half filled container you're saying is 8 inches deep by 6 inches wide. That's still small and...
  4. Sparkticus

    Spots on my leaves :(

    Aye, the plant looks over-watered. That looks more like mag than nitrogen. Nitrogen starts at the tips. Mag deficiencies yellow the whole leaf. I agree, slow down on water and lose the MG for the future. Either way, the full pic looks far enough along that you'll be okay.
  5. Sparkticus

    Please help nutes

    There's different options depending on how you want to grow it, which is probably why you're confused.
  6. Sparkticus

    Please help nutes

    Okay, so CFL lights. What's your medium...soil? How old is it? Have you germinated yet? What exactly are you confused about? When to feed, how to feed, how often to feed, etc? Pics are a big help. Got to give us some more info so we can help. Edit: sorry saw just saw your comment on...
  7. Sparkticus

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Healthy plants will produce more foliage than they need, to compensate for natural defoliation (weather, pests etc.). So when we care for plants indoors and remove those factors, there is a good possibility the plant has more leaves than it needs to function at it's maximum. Some leaves can go...
  8. Sparkticus

    first grow however total cock up

    Back in veg? Doesn't sound like it ever got to veg, lol. You need to have the plant in at least 18 hours on, 6 hour off light cycle for it to stay in veg. You might want to go straight 24 on, 0 off for that plant until it starts vegging again. Like weedenhanced it (cut the bud...
  9. Sparkticus


    Yah, starting to get exciting now. Very happy with this grown on every level so far. Definitely looking forward to the potency/flavor review :weed:
  10. Sparkticus


    And on a side note, I have been feeding with top dressings of compost and some simple teas (eggshells, coffegrounds, aloe, coconut, etc) throughout flower.
  11. Sparkticus


    Update (5/11) - 5th week or so of flower. Pistils starting to redden. Some leaves juuuust starting to fade to yellow :-D. Getting really dense, got some fox tails, smell is STRONG. Smell in the wind from far away, strong. At this pace, lookin like a few weeks left. Gettin close!
  12. Sparkticus

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Well said. Whatever I think I know is always subject to alterations and improvement :D. Considering anything to be "definitive" is detrimental to progress. Trying new things is how we learn, even if we're just soothing our stubborn nature by trying something others more experienced are...
  13. Sparkticus

    Need help with lower leaves yellowing

    I agree. Low (N). Starting from the bottom leaves and beginning at the tips of leaves (unlike mag).
  14. Sparkticus

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Man... I'm no help at all, lol. Being an avid grower of veggies, herbs, fruit, regular old flowers, etc., I can say that some plants (In my experience) like my beef steak tomatoes, absolutely produce bigger, better fruit when pruned (trim runners, minor defoliation). That holds true for a lot...
  15. Sparkticus

    Sick Seedling :( Save my Blue Cheese.

    Water when it needs it, like Shade said. Picking 2 days a week is still watering every 3 days, haha. In the beginning when the plant is young and the roots are small, it may need to be watered once a week. It's incapable of drinking a lot. I water every 2-3 days when my plant is in flower...
  16. Sparkticus

    Organic, efficient, AWESOME bug repellent.

    Just a regular 32 oz commercial-grade hand sprayer like, $3 at Home Depot. They last longer than a dollar store brand and they have a better mist, lol. Whatever works for you, stick with it. My spray is great. Very mild, works well without having to use it a lot. Whatever the science behind...
  17. Sparkticus

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Love my coolpix. It's 16.0 megapixels now. They've made some improvements to the macro mode, too. A really solid little camera at $200.
  18. Sparkticus

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Cool thread. Quick question (sorry if it's been covered). The results are going to be specific to Skywalker and strains with similar lineage, right? Since the effects from defoliating are strain dependent?