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  1. Sure Shot

    Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?

    Looks like Paul's getting a bump in Maine. D8elE7B5Cv4
  2. Sure Shot

    Iran kick off looking iminant?

  3. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    I must proclaim I am not a religious man. But, for those of you who do believe in the story of Jesus. I would have you ask yourself, "What Would Jesus Do?". GQ6dJhiei4w
  4. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    ...... You say your not compairing him to Hitler but still you made that choice to use Hitler and that's simply RELATIVE TRUTH as to what you believe will happen..... I contrasted Franklin's ideals with Hitler's, where is the argument that he is more like Franklin? I never said Hitler's ideals...
  5. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    In your attempt to discredit me, you post a quote that correlates with my statement. Brilliant. If truth is pollution, then I'm a Bio-hazard. I am an educated fool, in that you are correct. For although I may contain massive amounts of data, I am as hollow as a bag of wind. ( "fool" is from the...
  6. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    Once you've realize that all matter is simply energy vibrating in a dense state, and yet is still 99.9% nothing. Racism, has left the building!
  7. Sure Shot

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Video from the Big Apple 1-29-12 At the end of the video a journalist is detained, threatened with arrest and told to leave. He tells the journalist to wait till morning, and take pics of birds in the park instead. I got his bird right here. :finger: zSI5W_6RFGc
  8. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    Consciousness, navigating perceived reality through the realms of visible light and audible frequencies. Although that might be too deep for you, or you may not even try to comprehend and simply dismiss it. You asked.
  9. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    Obama is half white, in case you didn't know. Obama and his Mamma
  10. Sure Shot

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

  11. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    Was is legal to invade Iraq in 91'? Charges were filed against each one of these individuals on 19 counts of illegality. George Bush, J. Danforth Quayle, James Baker, Richard Cheney, William Webster, Colin Powell, Norman Schwarzkopf and Others. Among the charges were; Crimes Against...
  12. Sure Shot

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Occupy Oakland marches towards empty building. no footage of the police stopping them directly after. Yet... 9NvFYfPeYwQ
  13. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    Once a soldier, once a wallstreet banker, only now does he see the truth. YOORRZw3n6I
  14. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    Hitler didn't kill 6 million Jews. The Germans did. It's very easy for people to commit atrocities if they don't hold themselves directly responsible. ZB8AMUHq2HY Short animated rehash 0L-hKsjGP1M
  15. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    I haven't proposed anything hypothetical. I'm afraid you may have failed to grasp the main concept of this thread. In fact, the idea is that you are the first to directly compare Obama to Hitler, and are the one continuing to do so. My use of Hitler, was to propose a polar opposite to...
  16. Sure Shot

    Another Gop Debate

  17. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    If your only tool is a hammer, every problem is handled like a nail. The pen is mightier then the sword. Why is this?, you may ask. It might sound illogical at first or even utopian in concept. But it can be quite elementary, if you break it down to simpler terms. The pen is the tool of...
  18. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    I admit the use of Hitler stirs up emotion, especially when you mention dead Jews. Hitler didn't kill 6 million Jews! The people did! Obama didn't kill any Muslims! The people did! And I never said Obama was some incarnation of Hitler. I did not say we are in a Nazi State committing genocide...