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  1. Sure Shot

    Marijuana Use Can Cause Brain Growth In Certain Areas

    Source: Society for Neuroscience In the current study, Jodi Gilman, PhD, Anne Blood, PhD, and Hans Breiter, MD, of Northwestern University and Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to compare the brains of 18- to 25-year...
  2. Sure Shot

    Medical Marijuana Adocates Get Landmark Victory in California

    In a major victory for medical marijuana patients, the California Supreme Court denied review yesterday of an important dispensary case out of Los Angeles. Rejecting calls from State Attorney General Kamala Harris and law enforcement to review the Court of Appeal ruling in People v. Colvin...
  3. Sure Shot

    How has this guy not been assassinated yet?

  4. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

  5. Sure Shot

    How has this guy not been assassinated yet?

    A reputation takes a lifetime to build yet an instant to destroy. Alakazam!
  6. Sure Shot

    How has this guy not been assassinated yet?

    If Magicians used the same trick every time, they wouldn't be very good magicians now would they?
  7. Sure Shot

    Ron Paul @ UC Davis

    Santa Claus may not be real, but Ron Paul is. I got proof right here. I caught the myth with my camera. High above a crowd of 5000+ people, on a patch of grass.:peace: YwMNH9bjt5U
  8. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

  9. Sure Shot

    Ron Paul Vs. Mittens

    Dr. Paul wins all of Missouri after a mass revolt leads to mutiny. :clap: tcRa1YGng54
  10. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    No matter what they feed you, it turns to shit in the end. 07Ss2z0dayk
  11. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    Warning: This Post Has Not Been Inspected By The Government Yet. Think At Your Own Risk, Believe Nothing. KjQd394P6_k
  12. Sure Shot

    Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?

    Your question is answered directly in the video, at the beginning. Weird.:neutral:
  13. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    :fire:Congress OKs FAA bill allowing drones in U.S., GPS air traffic control:fire:
  14. Sure Shot

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Unfortunately, Mitt Romney was right when he said, "Corporations Are People, My Friend.". Why is he right? Well, if you have a Birth Certificate, then a corporation was started in your name upon your birth. This corporation is given a monetary value, and traded on the Stock Market. We went from...
  15. Sure Shot

    Lifting the Vail

  16. Sure Shot

    President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

    This Paintbrush Tells The Story. Unfortunately, No "Happy Trees". 4KGlBHyVeYU oRxMQhn0WAg