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  1. Florida homeGrown

    creatine and B-12 for drug test?

    Sorry you are WRONG yes it will work and the beginning if your post is true.however any excess creatine is excreted,actually a large amount of what you take in the supplement, that's why creatine supplementation doesnt work on everyone.and the OP has the right Idea.the way the lab detects...
  2. Florida homeGrown

    white widow purple pheno,now looking for something new

    Been stuck on these ww originally from nirvana,way back,came across a purple pheno and just been burnt out on it.cloned it for about ayear,then couple crossed a couple of them with ww male.more than half of all seeds has purple trait so far ,I'll try add pix in AM but I'm burnt out n don't want...
  3. Florida homeGrown

    How much MAM-2201 to herb ratio?

    In about 09 there were with HOOKUP,sell em for ten.then hit 15,20 and got so hard to find in pharmacy (chain ones) that people switched to dilaudid.but only place with 30s n d 8s are shady mom n pop places that charge ten a pill.fucking street prices,don't see how it's legal when Walgreen has...
  4. Florida homeGrown

    How much MAM-2201 to herb ratio?

    But Google newest research chemical aka legal drug (for moment) example spice n bathsalts, it's called acetylfentanyl and is ten times strong as heroin and legal for moment.
  5. Florida homeGrown

    How much MAM-2201 to herb ratio?

    Because even here(Tampa bay where 90 percent of the country's oxy are written) they are selling for $30 a pill (30mg) and you have to go to 20+ pharmacy s to find them.last year everyone was switched to dilaudid,then those rose to 25 for everything was too expensive.only...
  6. Florida homeGrown

    Would 2 mars 300 watt lights be enough for a couple of plants?

    It's just open bat wing type hood not gets hot if I leave poly closed (it's closet with door removed and black white poly on walls n door space) I just crack it open and aim box fan in there got cpl 4" fans inside n it's don't get more than low 80 .especially on 75 percent power.but if...
  7. Florida homeGrown

    How much MAM-2201 to herb ratio?

    Just to stop you there heroin was not used until morphine was invented.morphine was discovered have to have morphine to make's the same drug it just metabolized faster as heroin,which after crossing blood brain barrier turns right back to heroin.heroin is only morphine...
  8. Florida homeGrown

    homemade nutes

    Neither did I until it did and just didn't look like somethin I would want I'm my roots you know. But let me know how things turn out
  9. Florida homeGrown

    Slow growing under hps questions

    sometimes certain plants grow really slow under hps because of the red in spectrum. You would think to maybe throw couple compact fluorescent. With 6400 unless of course you have a metal halide you can put in until you flower
  10. Florida homeGrown

    homemade nutes

    keep track of your recipe because mollasus and plant material (aloe exmp will ferment quickly and can make mold in water which can hurt plants.just keep track of ingrd. so as u go u can keep making fresh if they work.if i put mollasus in my feed bottle with nutes if i dont use in 2 days i get...
  11. Florida homeGrown

    Signs of flower while in 18/6?

    yeah i second that.those are what are reffered to as Pre flowers. it means the plant is mature enough to flower (without stress) and you should notice the nodes begining to alternate.instead of growing 2 new branches at time will be one on on right grow.instead of 2 grow.2grow.but...
  12. Florida homeGrown

    Would 2 mars 300 watt lights be enough for a couple of plants?

    ps im running a 600 in same size real ventalation on that just fans but no too toaasty running 9 in 28 x 34
  13. Florida homeGrown

    Would 2 mars 300 watt lights be enough for a couple of plants?

    ok price wise and all around versatility.go with 400 watter you will get more coverage and csn support more plants (when you choose.and its great hobby so u will) and when eventualy when u step up the 400 can be used for one space under say mh for veg n another for flower or vise versa.if $ is...
  14. Florida homeGrown

    best auto so far?

    white cheese auto from dinafem.super dank and covered in trichs.smells amazing.i girl came in room and kept asking is there something moldy in here? lol crazy moldy cheese smell.left crystals all over bag.also honorable mention ak auto from blimburm .made one customer throw up it was so strong
  15. Florida homeGrown

    Perlite/Rockwool Cube Hempy Buckets

    I have done my hempys exclusivly this way.when i first made them i only had a little perlite and some old 4x4 rockwool cubes.but i was running 5 gal dwc and wanted to try something differnt.i read about a guy doing 112 plant sog with only 2liter soda i got them ready but had no...