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  1. Quitekeen

    Great Customer Service Experience

    yup! there are just sooooo many companies out there who are happy to take your money and end the relationship there (makes you feel like a John). these guys were way cool, my fiance has very little technical knowledge as to what I wanted, Brent was very patient with her constant changing of...
  2. Quitekeen

    Guerilla UK

    what part of the UK do you live in that you think you will be able to grow outdoors? Must be the south, like Valencia lol (i know Valencia is in Spain), no really, I live in ENgland for 11 years and unless there has been some major climate change I wouldnt waste any money on seeds from...
  3. Quitekeen

    Great Customer Service Experience

    .................. bump
  4. Quitekeen

    DWC from seed question

    okay so I have my seed germinated and in rockwool, once I see some roots coming through the bottom I will put it in my DWC single shot system, do I then begin with week one of my nute-feeding schedule? Or do I start it with just RO water and superthrive or something like that? Total DWC noob...
  5. Quitekeen

    How many cfl's

    i have ordered from two times. Both times the seeds came, I used a mastercard gift card (dbl check it can be used for int'l purchases), u can get them at wal-mart, or using the gift card means no paper trail to you, you can deny having ordered them if customs...
  6. Quitekeen

    if you have ever grown pot or are going to. THIS IS YOUR BIBLE

    just read that one, I dont think its funnier at all, it is funny, but its not really the same, just the same idea, and if comedy wasnt supposed to inspire comedy then shit, I like to over-use commas, shit
  7. Quitekeen

    AK-47 SCRoG / DWC / Pro-Grow 260

    lookin good man, i got my dwc stuff in the mail today i just need to make a nifty lid mounted screen and I can copy your shit lol!
  8. Quitekeen

    Blackstar led 240w best yield competition

    I think the thread specifies blackstar 240w contest, the cfl idea was put forward by me then successfully argued against by Endur0xx, so as is it seems its a BS240 contest, if you rly want it to be more controlled then it should be same nutes/strain/breeder/and training style. But that might be...
  9. Quitekeen

    Blackstar led 240w best yield competition

    yea mine came with a faulty power cord and they sent a new one asap.
  10. Quitekeen

    Is ffof too strong?

    corn field and swamp eh... sounds like you are straddling 2 climates there! :)
  11. Quitekeen

    Is ffof too strong?

    consider killing hermi's as euthanasia, dont have the heart not to kill them...what?
  12. Quitekeen

    Best seed banks

    Attitude seeds has a good rep, I have never used them but they are kind of a vendor for actual breeders such as Dutch Passion etc. They are based in the UK and offer discreet shipping options. I have only used Nirvana and while I dont think they have the seeds you specified, they are the...
  13. Quitekeen

    The Watts Myth!

    you are totally missing the point, I dont think it can really be explained to you, but trust me he is not ACTUALLY comparing light to sound, again, its sort of self-evident so I guess just re-read until you understand...
  14. Quitekeen

    The Watts Myth!

    comparing t5's to LED's is even more of a joke!
  15. Quitekeen

    Is ffof too strong?

    It was the last bag the nursery had, I just thought, as they come stacked on pallets usually at least 10 levels high, and I live in the very wet PacNW, maybe moisture leached nutes from the bags on top of my bag so my bag at the bottom became more concentrated? Just a thought as I know the bags...
  16. Quitekeen

    The Watts Myth!

    he didnt say 2x watts=2x volume, you are making the same point my friend, re-read the post you quoted.
  17. Quitekeen

    The Watts Myth!

    a perfectly natural question! although I think he is getting at the 'more efficient spectrum>more watts' point.
  18. Quitekeen

    Is ffof too strong?

    true story, I have been in 0 "hot soil" convo's, probably lucky for me. I dont discredit your advice at all mate. And I certainly wasnt moaning at you, in fact my response was directly related to my feeling "moaned" at. Anyway, not being here to argue I do appreciate your advice, I will use...
  19. Quitekeen

    Is ffof too strong?

    getting pissed off about evolving terminology is totally futile. I appreciate that its upsetting when people mis-use terminology and therefore any advice becomes less valid, but in the case of "hot" soil I think everyone is aware of the meaning. I know the product is sound as a pound, that is...
  20. Quitekeen

    Is ffof too strong?

    Hi, So I had some trouble with some seeds. I sprouted them in paper towel, they sprouted really fast (24hours). Then they went into a mix of Fox Farms Ocean (65%0 and perlite (35%). 3 days and no sign, dug around and found a little fella whose taproot had fattened and the tip turned slightly...