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  1. knourgro

    Nutrient burn or nutrient deficiency? You be the judge. Help please? :)

    ya definatly watch your PH, those black/ dark brown spots and rapid leaf death are all symptoms of an outa whack ph. just use that dolomite lime like max said and start watering with water thats been adjusted to PH 6.2 (my opinion)
  2. knourgro

    Help!!!babies still not responding!!!what next???

    here is what i found about your stems turning purple. could be a P deficiancy, a serious N deficiancy, or it could just be your plant, some strain develop peurple stems. but here is the info Yellowing of Younger leaves............. Fe, Mn. Yellowing of Middle leaves................ Mo...
  3. knourgro

    Help!!!babies still not responding!!!what next???

    ^^ya what he said and if your stems are turning purple thats a sign of another deficiency. it looks like they actually might need a little more food than ur giving, but the burn on some of the lower leaves make me second guess that. is the burn fresh? or was that from a while back and possibly...
  4. knourgro

    XBOX 360 Grow Experiment 12/12 from seed

    hah ya im sure it will grow, but its fucking addicting lol. your gona have uped the size and style of your set up 3 times within the next 6 months lol. never seen an x box grow before though, thats some sneaky shit
  5. knourgro

    Closet grow #666

    nice job man. nice little bush
  6. knourgro

    opinions on using mothers vs cloning clones

    jesus man dont need to try to fight. but if you insist your a moron. there not aparent because you cant see stuff likenthat by eye. a5re you telling me you can see the difference between weed that has a 24% cannabanoid contetnt versus weed that has 27%??? i didnt think so, it would take testing...
  7. knourgro

    opinions on using mothers vs cloning clones

    the reason people like to keep a mother instead of continuously taking clones from there last crop is because of "genetic drift". genetic drift states that if you have a mother and take a clone, that clone will be slightly less resilent and also not quite as potent as the mother. then if you...
  8. knourgro

    whats wrong

    hey man i think id lean towards an N deficiency. nitrogen is a moved easily through the plant so lower leaves eggin to turn a pale yellow first. it could be mag, but the lack of brown spots and purple veins makes me think not. its not a burn of any kind though, at least not from what i can tell...
  9. knourgro

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    well these are my ladies about 4 weeks in, sadley i dont have a good camera so these are the best quality i can snap. there doin pretty good, prob 6 weeks left now. had some serious ballast issues though :/ and these below are my clones, 16 in all. a little droopy but thats because i just...
  10. knourgro

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    damn son you can do some work under thos cfls. in 2 weeks shes gona start gettin nice and frosty! how many plants total you have?
  11. knourgro

    ya man if it atually does what it says it looks great. anything that helps break down and move...

    ya man if it atually does what it says it looks great. anything that helps break down and move excess salts in the soil cant hurt. thats what causes lockout and burn
  12. knourgro

    is 77 not hot enough to use co2

    i saw someone else post an article that said 84 degrees is where peak uptake happens but there still absorbing some at 77. so your not gettin the most bang for your buck but it will stillo help. im not sure though i dont use co2 yet. im sure that guy will find this though lol he'll give a fur...
  13. knourgro

    Issue On My Rooms Plz.

    cool thanks man. all my plants stay in 2 galloon pots and no ;larger right now so i guess thats why lol
  14. knourgro

    Issue On My Rooms Plz.

    where did you get that baseline? just wondering, i seem to have root bound issues on every crop but only half of them?? idk what causes this, but maybe its because of strain difference. id really like to see where you got that info, thanks man
  15. knourgro

    sick man lookin nice! how many plants are you puttin under there total? and also whats goin on...

    sick man lookin nice! how many plants are you puttin under there total? and also whats goin on with that monster that tipped over? lookin good now i hope? ya sry iv been busy with my buissness. ill post pics tonight when my lights fire up at 10.; keep up the good work man
  16. knourgro

    thanks alot man real helpful! mine looked just like that and i startded upping the cal/mag and N...

    thanks alot man real helpful! mine looked just like that and i startded upping the cal/mag and N together and theve started to green up more. mine was a combo of a slight N def, a smal mag def, and a bigger CAL def. let me know how your solution works out man
  17. knourgro

    too much light during dark period?

    ^^ im talking a pin size hole in a box thats maybe 5x5x6. not a barn. but during flowering, if you get in your box (or stand out next to that light where your plants are) and you can see any light peering through anywhere, it has a good chance of causing severe stress, not neccesarily hermies so...
  18. knourgro

    too much light during dark period?

    i did say that the GREEN lcd would probably be fine. but a constant red led (most likely positioned right above your canopy, unlike a surge protcter which sits on the floor under the leaves) from a camera has a huge chance to cause huge issues. its not worth the risk to me, but thats only my...
  19. knourgro

    too much light during dark period?

    hah well see about that in 9 weeks. iv made a mistake like that myself, and sprouted balls on my 3 best ladies. sure it MIGHT not affect you. but why take the chance? anything worth doing is worth doing right, but you stick to whoevers advice you like lol