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  1. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Right, because if it was, I would re-open it :D. The person below me probably has never had a threesome.
  2. Chiceh

    I think i'm going to have a baby

    The front page of the Internet....:D and for the like minded: Hahaha see you in a few hours. :D
  3. Chiceh

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Does it still smell after like 15/20 minutes outside the jar? I know some strains smell bad but once the air gets to them they are ok. Do you have a scope to check for mold? Rule of thumb I go by is goes into jars when the stems are snappy dry. :D
  4. Chiceh

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Watched this on the weekend, great movie in my opinion. It didn't even seem that long. There are really good torrents out there for it. :D
  5. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Yep, 3 cases :D The person below me is probably more stoned than I am right now.
  6. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Not in person but that video made me laugh. The person below me probably has never streaked.
  7. Chiceh

    faded glassworks glass for sale

    I forget how long I have had it but it was when he first started doing glass. He even used purple to sign mine. I don't use mine either, it is a show piece. :D
  8. Chiceh

    faded glassworks glass for sale

    Do you make any plates or shallower dishes? btw I still have the original fdd piece you made me. :D
  9. Chiceh

    Get your dog/cat high

    My dog is a stoner. He looks at the bong and back at me, paws me, barks a little begging for it until he gets a toke. :D
  10. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Hop Scotch was lame, we played murder ball:D. The person below me probably hasn't had a shower today.
  11. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    I can remember life before internet. We had Atari. :D The person below me doesn't know what Atari is...............
  12. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Just once. The person below me probably has been so drunk they passed and woke up to find writing all over their face.
  13. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Yep, I am always on top! The person below me probably is ready to toke.
  14. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    So many more concerts in the younger years for sure. The person below me probably has had a buzz cut.
  15. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    I rode one and fell off it :( The person below me is probably laughing now.
  16. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Never sky dived and no desire to either. The person below me probably has never kissed a dude.
  17. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    NEVER, Cheaters suck..... The person below me probably is not a virgin.
  18. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    Yep, almost 10 years!. The person below me is probably younger than me.
  19. Chiceh

    Thanks for the cool birthday wish. :D

    Thanks for the cool birthday wish. :D
  20. Chiceh

    The person under me... probably... game

    All chick here sorry :D. The person below me is probably doesn't like broccoli.