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  1. Chiceh

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Good afternoon RIU. I had a very productive morning today. I went to my local grow shop, smoked out with the owner, got my supplies and always a little bonus from her. This time she threw in new batteries for my ph meter and a bottle of Grozyme mix. It is cool to be a preferred customer. :D...
  2. Chiceh

    New ad popups..........

    No pop-ups with Safari either.
  3. Chiceh

    Ever feel like you are running out of time?

    If you are in such a bad mood why log on and take it out on people here? It is not cool in my opinion so cut it out and have a nice day. :D
  4. Chiceh


    Good for you! I have never used it like it was intended to use, only the special juice in it LOL. :D
  5. Chiceh


    I use the one with refillable cartridges. It is too bad we can not get everclear here though. I had to use 151 rum. Then added some PG and Glycerine.
  6. Chiceh

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Gotta fuckin luv it EH! LOL I had a 3 hour weed nap on the weekend. Some would call that going to sleep or passing out. For me it was more like burnt out LOL. :weed:
  7. Chiceh

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I work the 9 to 5 shit so I am enjoying my "after work n bake" right now, Unwinding from the crazy day. bongsmilie
  8. Chiceh


    You could make a tincture and fill the cartridges. I made a special juice for mine it and it rocks. Makes travelling much better. :D
  9. Chiceh

    Curious: How many people know what a BT is??

    Did you ever try sink tokes/gravity bong? Cut the bottom of a 2 litre bottle off and make a bowl on top? Those would kick my ass, just the force of it into you. The good old days eh LOL. bongsmilie
  10. Chiceh

    where's finshaggy poll

    Call it a 7 day vacation. bongsmilie
  11. Chiceh

    Curious: How many people know what a BT is??

    Maybe it is just a Canadian thing. I know it is called that around here (Southern Ontario). However I have not used this method in a very long time as prefer to use a bong or pipe and smoke mostly flowers now. Plus people don't like the cigarette smoke idea lol. :D
  12. Chiceh

    Curious: How many people know what a BT is??

    The 250ml pop or water bottles worked best. You just needed to get the hole on the bottom right LOL.
  13. Chiceh

    Curious: How many people know what a BT is??

    Bottle tokes FTW! That was the only way we smoked hash back in the day. :mrgreen:
  14. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Closed for 7 days. :D
  15. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    I am not the only one moderating this thread. So get your facts straight before flying off the handle to me or any mod or member on this site. Simmer down now and have yourself a nice 7 day vacation. :D
  16. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    I am a Chic Eh :D ! And I am not being an asshole. I was trying to help your ass but no longer. You can sink your own ship.
  17. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    No shit talk at all, this is a grow thread is it not? I tried to get that point across earlier (to help you) but fuck it. If you like this thread full of shit that is your choice. The personal attacks will not be tolerated.
  18. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Your growing has nothing to do with it.
  19. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    I am not picking on you or insulting you. I was trying to help you and understand why you react the way you do. If you just ignore the trolls they go away. But you feed into it and that makes it all worse. You come off looking like the ass.
  20. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    So let me get this straight, you want to be know for this dumb ass trollish behaviour then? Because that is the reputation you are earning here.