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  1. Huckster79

    Did I make my green dragon right?

    Thats a pretty related question for general discussion... far from a hijack.. and see the thing is just because we start a thread doesnt really give us individual ownership of it, its a group of collective thoughts, opinions and questions... its "ours" as an online community... Its one thing...
  2. Huckster79

    Reduce light before harvest?

    Ive let bottom go damn near a month longer and they were as dense as the top... a lil scope is key, if you are a hobbyist or med patient where productions not king harvest no bud before its ripe...
  3. Huckster79

    On Emergency life support - Urgent ICU!. ... please help!

    Viking is spot on. I’d suggest coco w breathable pots then there’s no overwater worry. Feed light- half at best and 1/4 often doable from nute company directions.
  4. Huckster79

    Pest in second grow (soil this time)

    Thrips would be my guess... your current plan should take care of em. My advice is go back to coco... if u don’t like watering so often look up the PPK method- crazy cheap diy build. Since going to it iv had zero pest or nute issues I’m headed into 4th round using this method
  5. Huckster79

    Cheaper CMH systems

    HTG has a cheap 400w system I’ve been running for 3 years in 5x5 veg area- very happy, but it is a very basic set up- all depends on ur needs
  6. Huckster79

    Should I build my own RDWC system or buy!!

    Before making the jump look into PPK, passive plant killer method. Crazy cheap and simple build and great results! It’s taking best of coco and best of full hydro and marrying them. I water now once to three times a week- could cut that if I built a separate back up res. Basic concept is a...
  7. Huckster79

    Maximum Wage: Limiting CEO Pay

    I think higher graduated taxes are a more feasible route with big deductions for reinvestment into the company and workers... we did this before and it worked..
  8. Huckster79

    maria butina

    I just heard they are measuring seismic activity in region Reagan is buried it’s been confirmed that it’s likely ol Ronnie spinning in his grave
  9. Huckster79

    101 Already Asked Questions

    I find it’s top down...but I say harvest no bud until it’s done. Work your way from top down - if ur trimming on ur own it may take multiple days which is fine... I’ve taken as long as a month to work my way down through one- the lower stuff that wudda been in hash pile if taken all at once...
  10. Huckster79

    maria butina

    Extra extra read all about it: Russian whore spy infiltrates the party of Reagan and the Moral Majority! You couldnt get high enough to make this shit up if it werent true, idc how good of a grower you are
  11. Huckster79

    "Mr. Putin was really strong and powerful in his denial."

    @Ripped Farmer, I'm with Ninja here, can you please tell us how you feel about this through a trump supporters eyes? I don't honestly get it. He looked and sounded weak and blamed the US for the bad relationship with Russia. This doesn't fit his modus operandi of no apologies and tough talk...
  12. Huckster79

    Looks like a major problem

    I cut down my nute issues a ton, to none basically in some time by switching to breathable pots, Coco coir, and weak nutes but constant watering- either as often as you can or automate it. In breathable pots the coco needs no dry cycle to keep root rot away. Look up the PPK (passive plant...
  13. Huckster79

    Owner of rollitup is selling site because he's committing crimes.

    Now that the OP is gone, he will have more time to dedicate to his beet farm! lol
  14. Huckster79

    Re-potting and mainlining

    Line any pot with that weedblock fabric, that u put under mulch... i just use plastic baskets but u cud do with any it pulls whole thing out of the pot peacefully and then you unwrap it with little to no root disturbance and minimal trasplant stress...
  15. Huckster79

    Where Do You Go When You Die?

    Yea, it makes your elements not as readily usable too... but in end we all make it back to dirt... i just want to embrace my return to dirt
  16. Huckster79

    Where Do You Go When You Die?

    I beleive life is eternal, no clue if theres an after-life of our conscience, but life just being alive is supernatural the difference between a dead body and an alive body seems more different than just missing some electrical charges... the force that gave that body, human or animal...
  17. Huckster79

    Trump is a Traitor

    "Oh but Cavanaugh, we need him on SCOTUS and more like him" dont get too geeked he will lose em yet... weve done this before thinking this was the line in the sand, the bridge too far, but it never is because we wrongly assume their is a line to be had! As long as it blesses them with power they...
  18. Huckster79

    What to grow & what to feed?

    Jacks... cheap and works great
  19. Huckster79

    Good brand exhaust fan?

    Yea service would be bit tough but idk how much work ya ever gotta do on em, besides you can go cheaper so if it goes ya toss it... But zero heat issues... the motor is in line with the fan in the casing so it's cooled by the airflow through it... It works like a charm. Been 3 years on this...
  20. Huckster79

    Good brand exhaust fan?

    Any... then leave it in box, cut holes for unlet and outlet putting a collar on to stick out the holes then fill the box w spray foam not quite to top once dried cut the overflow ofv top n close it up... quiet as my ex was in bed.