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  1. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Looks great! The clones i put out were just a solo cup's worth of provided soil dropped right in the sandy forest floor to compete with the neighboring weeds... heh :D
  2. AltarNation

    How many times a day do you shit?

    Update: I shit when I have to and can. This is a compound variable.
  3. AltarNation

    generous men only $$$$

    That's a dude right? Trolls have really called the bluff of all straight men at this point. So much for meets the eye, now it's meats the eye. The internet used to be fun. "Might as well stay content with the Missus," my brain says, "every one else is probably hiding a dong in their skirt."
  4. AltarNation

    Most painful shit ever

    I mean if it were anyone else I'd say take your licks (like dude who fucked up his knee at Home Depot) but it's fucking Micky D's. Stick it to them. They have had the nation (scratch that) the PLANET over a barrel for too long. Edit: Also, this is different because you were an employee. I'm too...
  5. AltarNation

    Most painful shit ever

    a) Deep fried foods are still awesome. b) Did they turn off that fryolator, empty it, and clean it? I bet they didn't. c) Start a lawsuit, they'll probably settle. What did you trip over?
  6. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Make no mistake that shit is potent... heh. One whole gram of potent c99. LOL. Next time I think I'll try feeding them ;)
  7. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    I took down the outdoor C99's due to threat of bud rot. There has been a lot of rain here and there were about four spots forming in one. The other was more robust and I let her go an extra week but I just took her down today. Here is the second one just coming down... I did a quick trim of...
  8. AltarNation

    can t5's be flip flopped?

    Most T5's have integrated ballasts. If you built your own from the ground up you could do it with shared ballasts if you are clever enough. However, with what is prebuilt, you will find ballasts are dedicated and onboard. However, this would not prevent you from flip flopping... I see no reason...
  9. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Whoops, fixed the broken links. Gigs, cross your fingers! Even if I have to frame out a box in this horrible basement... hope it doesn't come to that.,..
  10. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Bought some 2 gal smart pots to play with. I'm not sure what i'm planning yet but it gives me more options when it comes to the clones. Here's some new pics from tonight... I pulled everything apart to clean up, trim, and get pics of the plants in the back. Did I mention this setup sucks? :)...
  11. AltarNation

    Perfect scissors.

    I generally rely on fiskars for those babies... maybe I will add something like those above for fine work.
  12. AltarNation

    Perfect scissors.

    Was referring to this one:
  13. AltarNation

    ready or not?

    Your pictures are hard to see because of the lighting. Turn all that shit off and your flash on, and take the pics in the dark. It will come out better than under a hps light. Anyway. It's all washed out and yellow so no one can tell what the bud development really looks like. Better lighting...
  14. AltarNation

    Perfect scissors.

    How do they compare to fiskars in resistance? Do you have to clean them just as often?
  15. AltarNation

    Perfect scissors.

    10.97 shipped? That's money, baby!
  16. AltarNation

    Perfect scissors.

    Aye... not a bad idea. I do have two pair, and I think it was my original intention to rotate (or have a friend help) but I'd lose my head if it weren't attached so at any given time when I go to trim I tend to be lucky and find one pair, lol. I MIGHT be able to find both right now though if I...
  17. AltarNation

    Perfect scissors.

    Fiskars are the shit but you do have to clean them every so often throughout the trim or the spring becomes too weak to counter the sticky icky. (Might be what OP meant by "That is not easy, it will be stick resin, resistance is quite large, very heavy.") Not that i"m complaining though... in my...
  18. AltarNation

    Harvesting Efficiency

    Exactly the best time to jar them is something that is felt out through experience, but the method of determination is actually physical feeling. The way it is usually described is that the outside gets significantly crispy and dry feeling but the stems are still maleable when you try to bend...
  19. AltarNation

    Harvesting Efficiency

    Personally I like to cut the root ball off but nothing else, I find this gives me a good 10-12 day cure in non-winter months when RH is 55-65 in my area. Leaving the roots on all together is an interesting angle, I would imagine that does slow things down even farther. I'd probably do that if I...
  20. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Word. We'll see what I'm gonna do here. I got a big bail of sunshine mix so I can probably spread the love around. Considering buying 2 gal smart pots to sog them. Also kind of considering just leaving them in what they're in and flipping them over as soon as they root it out. I'd end up with a...