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  1. Huckster79

    looks like the NRA is in bed with Russia and therefore Trump

    This right here is why so many republicunts that at first stood up to him have quieted and the before quiet ones are vocal supporters now and the ones who were supporters are now nunes/cotton level Stephan miller wanna bes. This is their tie to the dirty money.... where Donald goes they would...
  2. Huckster79

    Likes To Be Spanked With Rolled Up Forbes With His Pic On The Cover

    It wasnt just his pic either it was one of his other bed buddies and his son.
  3. Huckster79

    republicons control congress and presidency, still manage a government shutdown

    Hell why would rebublicunts try to get it going again they have acheived their decades long dream.... im glad dems held firm but this gunna be a wild ride with a party whose vast majority literally doesnt beleive in government and who still happens to be the majority...
  4. Huckster79

    america is now less respected than china

    Maga man! Prob is the trumptards see no issue with this, not important at all, Merica First! This is the shit that will take decades to repair if we ever gain our national sanity. What ever happened to being the city on the hill? I fear it may be evening in America...
  5. Huckster79

    Basic RIU site functions & FAQ

    I accidently posted a new thread twice....
  6. Huckster79

    The First Annual Fake News Awards

    First one was on op ed opinion/prediction of an individual never sold as "news" The rest the media outlets corrected promptly and issued statements of apology and retraction, one several people were immedietly forced to resign. Though not a good thing, making an error and correcting it is far...
  7. Huckster79

    CONFIRMED: Mueller admits no collusion at Trump Tower meeting

    I couldnt agree more. Its been proven its no deterent, and i agree we surrender our high ground when its done. I doubt ill ever be in a spot to do legal work for death row inmates but it is a dream, well like i said that and or just defense work in general for the poor. It really goes back to...
  8. Huckster79

    CONFIRMED: Mueller admits no collusion at Trump Tower meeting

    I just find it a balanced approach on this one topic. Interpreted by me, that would be an extreme few, and none in our country. I hope someday if I'm ever wealthy enough to not have to work to go back, get my law degree and work in criminal defense of the poor pro bono and or to fight capital...
  9. Huckster79

    CONFIRMED: Mueller admits no collusion at Trump Tower meeting

    On executions I beleive the Roman Catholic Church has the most balanced view I have found on it. Now I do not contend all of their stances are what I would want to see as public policy, not by a long shot, but on this topic I think they nailed it on the head. Capital punishment should not be...
  10. Huckster79

    Detroit man deported to Mexico after 30 years in US

    They think so.... thats the scarier problem than uncle trump himself is he embodies what a shockingly sad number of our citizens beleive. When hes gone we are still left with tens of millions of people that see nothing wrong with this!
  11. Huckster79

    Detroit man deported to Mexico after 30 years in US

    And what do you think republicunts think of them? Too bad so sad you lost the genetic lotto kid. Not our problem your parents are lazy and dont provide for you. Theres more than enough wealth in this country for that problem to to be addressed and no will to do it. I happen to care about...
  12. Huckster79

    Detroit man deported to Mexico after 30 years in US

    Because i feel we as a whole have allowed our culture and our politics to reach this point. We as a whole have not demanded a real fix to the immigration mess. We created a situation as a nation where staying undocumented was like doing 56 in a 55. What one of us wouldnt biitch about getting...
  13. Huckster79

    Detroit man deported to Mexico after 30 years in US

    They have been trying since 2005. Thats how he got on the radar for removal from the US.... you prove my point, how can you laugh at that pain those two kids are feeling?
  14. Huckster79

    bannon subpoena'd to testify in front of mueller's grand juries

    I know... once in a while, momentarily a spark from my old optimistic self shoots out. Then i realize it wasnt a bad dream, this is for real...
  15. Huckster79

    The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

    Your optimism is refreshing. I used to be one myself, im not saying that sarcastically either. I pray you are right, i fear you may be wrong. Dont get me wrong, i hope you are a damned prophet... just not feeling crazy optimistic on our survival as a republic with any dignity right now.
  16. Huckster79

    Detroit man deported to Mexico after 30 years in US

    Heart wrenching. And the magaminions see nothing wrong nor even bat an eye at that family's pain, not even a twinge of empathy strickens their heart, total blankness... Is this who we have become? Its time for sack cloth and ashes for us as a nation. Im heartbroken this is who we now are.
  17. Huckster79

    bannon subpoena'd to testify in front of mueller's grand juries

    Im kinda wondering if this is the moment, they who thought they were gunna get away with it, as in the ones who have been part of it not supporters, are starting to realize they may not? Gop reaction to this turn could be interesting... is it possible this may start to peel away their support...
  18. Huckster79

    bannon subpoena'd to testify in front of mueller's grand juries

    Lmfao! Couldnt have said it better myself! Hang on boys 2017 was just the soft intro, u thought 17 was crazy.... just wait.
  19. Huckster79

    bannon subpoena'd to testify in front of mueller's grand juries

    And hes even got the gop on the house commitee pissed, and maybe on his tail to demand more. Poor guy cant catch a break! I feel so bad for such a nice good hearted gentleman! Actually not at all! I bet he offs himself, he is a loon.