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  1. Huckster79

    Obama Tells the Truth About Fox News

    Excellent point sir!
  2. Huckster79

    Norway says no thanks to Trump, we'll stay here

    I have no doubt!
  3. Huckster79

    Flushed too early?

    Makes sense to me
  4. Huckster79

    republicans are so manly and strong

    Why i do, a real nice gawdly man
  5. Huckster79

    CONFIRMED: Mueller admits no collusion at Trump Tower meeting

    Third time in history of MLK day the POTUS didnt do something special to honor it. First was 89 it fell two days before Reagan left office and in 1991 due to the first Gulf War, and today- cuz he was golfing.... How can the magaminions not see the total depravity of anything good in this...
  6. Huckster79

    Norway says no thanks to Trump, we'll stay here

    Can you imagine what everyday ordinary Europeans gotta be thinking right now about us? Hell not Europe any civilized society. They gotta think weve lost our minds! Ive written two people in other countries, that i dont know, just a note telling em dont give up on us, we havent all lost our...
  7. Huckster79

    The First Annual Fake News Awards

    I seen article i gotta read still if he does them it could violate tge ethics code, not that that matters in trumpland though..
  8. Huckster79

    Obama Tells the Truth About Fox News

    We will never have a "normal" society again until we are operating from one set of facts. God remember when we used to argue how to deal with facts now we must argue if something is a fact or an alternative fact
  9. Huckster79

    republicans are so manly and strong

    Manly and strong people dont feel their masculinity threated by others sexuality. Whole goddamn heard of em are insecure little men with non spine.
  10. Huckster79

    Flushed too early?

    Id say personal preference as both work... i prefer the slow n steady approach and work hard to never overfeed her, i see no real benefit to be had by killing a plant by starvation. But i feel most plants are way over nuted their entire life, probably including mine even with as light as i feed.
  11. Huckster79

    Here I sit

    Wouldnt it be easier to go buy a canopener before the world goes to shit and stash it with the canned goods? Just sayin lol
  12. Huckster79

    Screw in grow

    Nice! Yea I've been using some screw ins as supplimental lights for my corners and different spots, real happy. I was gunna build some and then thought wow, I'd have to gain a lot a lot of efficiency to overcome the efficiency of $1.50 each plus some inexpensive bases! This hobby is full of...
  13. Huckster79

    Country that don't suck

    Yea I always thought he was the oddball out in the Highway Men, but what the hell they made it work. I got the honor of seeing them as a kid, I cried when Cash walked out. A few years later Johnny and June were playing a couple hours away, I bought a single ticket in third row. Had to buy a...
  14. Huckster79

    CONFIRMED: Mueller admits no collusion at Trump Tower meeting

    How the hell can you be on a cannabis forum and support a man who put Jefferson Boulreguard Sessions in as AG? That alone should be reason for anyone here to drop their support for the oompa loompa.
  15. Huckster79

    Trump's "shithole" gaff.

    I guess I’m confused,so are you or are you not okay with him wanting to exclude Haitians and Africans and his implication that those folks aren’t of same caliber that say a Normegian is?
  16. Huckster79

    Trump's "shithole" gaff.

    We praise their thinking of each other, their lack of beleiving if someone gets something ill get less. They love as community. They scoff slackers who take advantage of their generous safety nets. But person to person im just as happy to see a Haitian move to my community as a Normegian...
  17. Huckster79

    Should I start again?

    Nope youll make different ones! Lol. But im not lying. Ever thought of photoperiod? I just cant imagine growing in a race type mindset... slow n steady wins the race in my opinion... idk a damn thing about autos so i could be missing a lot of great reasons to do autos. I just cant imagine...
  18. Huckster79

    Chelsea Manning files to run for US Senate seat in Maryland

    Pedophilia is a felony, gop was fine with that...
  19. Huckster79

    Trump's "shithole" gaff.

    Ok now we have established that, how is he justified in saying we dont want the Africans and Haitians? How is that okay on any level? I absolutly agree we have a poverty problem. However, I do not see the Haitian or African, nor Hispanic immigrants as the cause of this in any way shape or...
  20. Huckster79

    Trump's "shithole" gaff.

    That is fantastic you have worked to overcome it, my hat off to you sir.