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  1. L

    Easy to Build DIY Carbon Filter

    ebay search 6" carbon filter
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    A Medicinal Refrigerator

    sorry is the fan... this is the light but a 600w, they don't carry it anymore, i got the last one...
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    A Medicinal Refrigerator

    So you mind if I pick your brain some more....I bought this light..... .... and this filter ....... ....... do you think...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Holy shit that was some funny shit LMFAO.... THere are 860 pages and Im on 4.....fack! Great information stinkbud....lovin the read.....relatively new to the site...first time grower....HI!
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    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    ya fbb, i dunno how your doin it, but best wishes to ya man......i would be stressin, those plant woulda been outa there tonight....just to be safe...we talkin a lot of em? Is it legal where you are?
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    A Medicinal Refrigerator

    So daniels, was the door not sealing initially or have you done some mods to it? Now that i look closer, you musta taken off the door shelves too make it flat eh?
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    FREE MOVIES ONLINE. LIKE LITERALLY FREE. help! is one that is still up......i miss ninja was awesome....fuckin govt.....
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    Myth busters - the real truth on CO2 in indoor grows

    if thats the case man than forgive and forget, but in your last post, again you came off pretty condescending, but as rat are who you if you have something informative you would like to add and actually move forward....I'm all ears.
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    Myth busters - the real truth on CO2 in indoor grows

    as much as i want to, i'm not hijackin this thread to argue semantics with you dude....
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    National Geographic Explorer - Inside LSD

    subbed gunna check it out and post
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    Myth busters - the real truth on CO2 in indoor grows

    I don't feel you did.... and im not trying to propagate drama..... i just think you fail to realize just how much time thought money and commitment it takes to run this experiment and post it up for other to learn from.....I understand the banter between two educated individuals, but the way you...
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    Myth busters - the real truth on CO2 in indoor grows

    man you just need to go.....your changing this forum from a positive thing to a negative seem angry.....we all have read your points and they are taken into consideration for your are free to move on....happy trails......i'm sure DR would be happy to debate and...
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    Is it too late to cut clones?

    I too live in your area and cut clones last thursday, you should be fine, my plants havent' started to flower yet, they were put in 8 weeks the name...
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    New grower, closet grow

    you go off the wattage not the output, so a 43 watt CFL puts out approx 150 light watts, you would want round 100 watts per plant so 2 43 watt cfls at minimum
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    New grower, closet grow

    u feedin nutes?
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    Myth busters - the real truth on CO2 in indoor grows

    This isn't a collegiate science course, this is how to introduce Co2, at home....with easily available products.....on a budget......there is a difference....and his results are sound for what he is doin....I dont think he is plannin on writing a research paper.......just trying to help those of...
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    Question for Guerilla Growers

    not tryin to agrue with ya Humbolt, just sayin, I got my girls in pretty sandy soil, and their doin great.....but I do see what your sayin!
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    Addicted To Porn?

    LMFAO RONTF tooo funny man.....i hear ya...the more you watch.....the dirtier it!
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    Addicted To Porn?

    Have ta go watch some bastards....LOL.....just all this talk about porn....need to see some titties....LOL