Search results

  1. I.G.Rowdit

    Aurora Indica

    First of all I'd say your plants look great. Compact, clean, dark green and signs of vigorous new growth. Is this strain 'Aurora Indica' by Nirvana? If so, check out the grow reports on Seedfinder: Use Google Translate to...
  2. I.G.Rowdit

    Study finds abnormally low blood flow in the brain of marijuana users

    Daniel Amen is most definitely NOT A SCIENTIST! He is a conman using your ignorance and 'sciency' sounding crap to empty your wallet. Leave scientists out of this. Science had nothing to do with this abortion.
  3. I.G.Rowdit

    Fruit trees

    Bearback , _Manual of Woody Landscape Plants_ by Michael Dirr is the best investment you can make if you are interested in plant propagation. You don't need the latest edition. If you can find a cheap older edition from a used book dealer buy it. The propagation information rarely changes...
  4. I.G.Rowdit

    Fruit trees

    I really should have made it clear that I am in USDA climate zone 6B so the dates I gave would have to be translated to other zones. My beach plum cuttings rooted in a month. If you are at least a month away from leaf out you might want to give hardwood cuttings a try. My rooting 'medium'...
  5. I.G.Rowdit

    Fruit trees

    You have picked the right day to ask this question. I'm snowed in by the east coast blizzard so I will have time to write an excessively long reply. First off, the only plum I have rooted is beach plum (Prunus maritima) but Prunus domestica, the common 'fruit' plum, will respond to the same...
  6. I.G.Rowdit

    Fruit trees

    To get anything useful you will have to be much more specific. "Fruit trees" covers so much territory that it would take a couple of volumes to cover all propagation for all fruit trees. However, so you don't go home empty handed, here is some info about fruit trees of the genus Prunus. Prunus...
  7. I.G.Rowdit

    The Drum Beat Begins...Marijuana use associated with increased risk of stroke, heart failure

    There is no link to the original paper so this reply is based on what the OP wrote. Often those not familiar with such studies will leave out important details that seem irrelevant to the non-scientist. It's always best to give a link to the original source. I don't mean this as a put down...
  8. I.G.Rowdit

    HSO Blue Dream and Sensi Northern Lights

    I've grown both under lights and outside. No problems with either. NL produced 5oz from a summer outdoor grow.
  9. I.G.Rowdit

    grafting plants

    Yes, the plant in the photo eventually three different varieties grafted on it. I harvest all about three months later.
  10. I.G.Rowdit

    Thoughts on Cannarado?

    How do you get them back into the US? Or do you mail them to yourself from Holland?
  11. I.G.Rowdit

    grafting plants

    I've done lots of Cannabis grafting and my take is there is not much to gain from doing it but it is a lot of fun. Grafted plants always attract attention and are great conversation starters if you have visitors to your grow. First of all, Cannabis is very easy to graft when the plants are...
  12. I.G.Rowdit

    'In to Win it' posts should inactivate when the offer is over

    It is very hard to figure out what offers are still active. If these posts had an automatic inactivate date the whole concept of ongoing contests would straighten itself out and there would be minimal confusion. The out of date posts are still fun to read, especially the ones where a creative...
  13. I.G.Rowdit

    keep the perlite down

    I think you are being a bit paranoid however plain old window screen works just as well as the dish cushioning material to keep perlite from building up on the surface. You can get window screen in aluminum, brass and plastic so you can pick which contaminates you are partial to. The one...
  14. I.G.Rowdit

    Soil for growing fruit/nut trees in Superoots Air-pots

    I would recommend root control bags: The link is for one of many vendors, do your research. As for potting mix I've been using Pro-Mix for more than 20 years for tree seedlings. I fertilize most seedlings with EC 1.25 in the spring when new growth starts...
  15. I.G.Rowdit

    keep the perlite down

    I use this stuff: It's a spongy rubber used to cushion dishes in storage. I cut it to size, cut from one edge to the center and open up the center with an 'x' cut. Slip around...
  16. I.G.Rowdit

    Any1 here grown orchid from seed?

    Where can you get some pre-sown orchid seeds? The link below is a good starting point. You will have to do your own research since it is not clear what you are interested in and there are about 30k orchid species and uncountable hybrids. Seedlings in flask just need correct temperature, light...
  17. I.G.Rowdit

    Study finds abnormally low blood flow in the brain of marijuana users

    I would not take 'study' this too seriously, One of the authors is Daniel Amen. From Quackwatch ( Daniel G. Amen, M.D., runs the Amen Clinics, writes books, gives lectures, maintains a Web site, and makes other media appearances. He...
  18. I.G.Rowdit

    Any1 here grown orchid from seed?

    Growing orchids from seed is difficult. Orchid seed does not have any stored food. The seedling must get its nutrition from some other source. Orchids grown in cultivation are sown on a sterile nutrient medium containing everything the seed needs to grow. The seed must be disinfected and...
  19. I.G.Rowdit

    Need help germinating and growing orchids

    A good place to start is the American Orchid Society, From personal experience I would look at starting from seed as very advanced orchid culture. Just learning how to grow them is enough of a learning curve for a beginner.
  20. I.G.Rowdit

    first oregon outdoor in over 15 years

    Wow! What strain? How long was veg?