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  1. I.G.Rowdit

    Looking for advice on indoor veg/flower gardening

    You can grow anything that requires less than full sunlight and does not get tall and skinny. I'm partial to Streptocarpus but any member of the African violet family (gesneriads) will grow and flower great under artificial light.
  2. I.G.Rowdit

    Parasitic Strain?

    I just read the original article and it is pure stupidity! It reads like a book report submitted by a 12 year old who did not have time to read the book and just made up a story after looking at the pictures. The first second and third photos are variegated Cannabis, quite a bit different than...
  3. I.G.Rowdit

    Parasitic Strain?

    @kermit2692 As I said, I've never seen a Cannabis albino seedling. I have seen American holly and Japanese maple albino seedlings. These seedlings lasted about a week on their stored food supply then just died. If such an albino seedling is grafted to a normal plant the albino portion will...
  4. I.G.Rowdit

    Sheet Mulching for raised bed - Steps

    I recommend this technique. I've been doing this for 20 years and it works great. It looks to me like gardenergreat first dug out the lawn, you don't even have to do that if you are not in a hurry. In mid-spring, in order to prepare an area for fall planting, I use a lawn mower to cut...
  5. I.G.Rowdit

    Parasitic Strain?

    As you state, albino seedlings cannot survive on their own because they produce no chlorophyll and cannot 'feed' themselves. In the horticulture world albinos are often grafted on normal plants. The normal plants do have chlorophyll and supply the grafted albino with carbohydrates produced by...
  6. I.G.Rowdit

    Propagating cacti?

    I dip the cuttings in rooting hormone, let the cut scab over (a week), pot up in dry potting mix. Cuttings root in about a month. Rooting time is mostly determined by temperature and time of year. Plants that are dormant in the winter will take longer to root in winter than in spring. That's...
  7. I.G.Rowdit

    Marijuana Growing Practice - legal substitutes

    The best thing I have come up with is cushion type chrysanthemums. Mums are photo periodic, short day plants but not dioecious. Producing a mum that looks like a huge ball of flowers is a real challenge. Pruning, fertilization and managing the light/dark cycles are pretty much the same as for...
  8. I.G.Rowdit

    Bonsai - Cold Stratification

    Claypipe, Do temperate climate plants, such as Pinus thunbergii, grow normally ("grow normally" not "normally grow") in your climate or do you have to provide artificial vernalization every year?
  9. I.G.Rowdit

    Bonsai - Cold Stratification

    Claypipe you are conflating stratification, vernalization and seed storage. Stratification is the process that duplicates the typical overwintering conditions for the seeds of temperate climate plants. Stratification requires cool, moist conditions. Here are two good articles on...
  10. I.G.Rowdit

    How to get thick stalks and stems. Short and bushy.

    A higher percentage of blue light.
  11. I.G.Rowdit

    Commercial indoor

    I can recommend two. Resin Seeds Bubblicious - really fast growing, very potent sativa high. Fruity, not bubble gum, smell. TH Seeds S.A.G.E. - very productive, strong sativa high Both have been excellent performers in my indoor setup. Not sure how these perform under typical commercial...
  12. I.G.Rowdit

    Bonsai - Cold Stratification

    Stratification is cold, moist dormancy. It simulates what the seed would experience if it sat in the leaf litter over the winter. From a botanical point of view, stratification prevents a vulnerable seedling from germinating in the fall because it would have little chance of surviving the...
  13. I.G.Rowdit

    What are the most Euphoric strains?

    Serious Happiness. Been smoking it for three months while seven other strains harvested at the same time sit on a closet shelf. Not exactly euphoria but a sense of well being that is unlike any other strain I've tried.
  14. I.G.Rowdit

    Tomatoes...verticillium wilt/fusarium wilt

    Do you know what variety your tomatoes are? If you have a variety that is resistant to wilt you can look elsewhere for your plants problems.
  15. I.G.Rowdit

    Please Help!!

    Compost it or invest in a chipper/shredder and turn your waste into mulch.
  16. I.G.Rowdit

    Why no seed mixes?

    There are two types of mixes: labeled and unlabeled. Labeled is just what it sounds like, each seed in the mix is identified, for example: Unlabeled is what was swept off of the floor after seeds were...
  17. I.G.Rowdit

    Whats wrong with my garden

    Sure looks like LED bleaching to me. What type of lights are you using and how far from the plants is the light? Also, plants of that size generally respond better to more blue than red. I crank up the red only after seeing the first flowers.
  18. I.G.Rowdit

    Can anyone counter this pretty compelling argument on the medical risks?

    You have to look at these 'studies' closely. If you are not experienced at reading this sort of thing it is very easy to get the wrong impression. It is easy to jump to the conclusion the authors guide you to in spite of the fact that this is not the conclusion the paper came to. Many...
  19. I.G.Rowdit

    Cross breeding your own seeds question

    Unfortunately, the answer is that you don't know until you do it. Past history may be of some guidance but, in general, you simply don't know what will be dominant until you actually make the cross and raise the seedlings. Even then you may not know which parent contributed a particular...