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  1. Rizzo00

    Blue Cheese, Auto New York City and Auto White Widow

    That sounds good. I wasnt sure if they were autos or not.... They are gonna be some bushes thats for sure. Good job
  2. Rizzo00

    Blue Cheese, Auto New York City and Auto White Widow

    Wow looking sharp man! If that is your tent...looks like you have room for side lighting. Anywayz, have they showed sex yet?
  3. Rizzo00

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Thats good to know thanks. I have a week old WWA from dinafem i got as a freebie. I hope she gets as big as yours.
  4. Rizzo00

    Comment on my CFL Flowers

    How many watts???
  5. Rizzo00

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    What breeder is your WW from?
  6. Rizzo00

    For folks that have to lug water.

    When you say battery you mean car battery???? Or what? And how loud is it? Oh and how much did you pay for it?
  7. Rizzo00

    Cinderella 99 What a difference 2 weeks makes

    I just put a female seeds outdoor grapefruit outside that looked just like yours before you flipped. I hope mine gets big like yours. Looks great btw!!
  8. Rizzo00

    First grow....Day 7 of auto flower Afghan Kush.

    That looks a lot better! If your soil is as good as it is, i wouldnt feed with nutes until week 3 or 4 or unless you see some yellowing of bottom leaves.
  9. Rizzo00

    First grow....Day 7 of auto flower Afghan Kush.

    You need to do a lot more reading. Never put two plants in same pot. Just because soil is at the correct ph doesnt mean that your water doesnt need to be adjusted. You need to test your water especially after you add your nutes. Your plants should be good for at least 2-3 weeks with no nutes...
  10. Rizzo00

    TGA Deep Purple Sample

    Looks sweet!
  11. Rizzo00

    Short Rider seeds were just shipped

    For just over a month old they look good.
  12. Rizzo00

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    What was the dry weight from that one plant? And how long from stArt to finish?
  13. Rizzo00

    Red Stems!

    I cant at the moment. I was trying something new going with this medium. I think it is a nitrogen def. This is exactly why i dont like trying new things. New problems to diagnose and fix. Thanks hydro store guy! Lol. I had not used and nutes yet so i just fed with floranova Grow. We shall see.
  14. Rizzo00

    Red Stems!

    I have never seen this before. All my seedlings have red stems. The leaves are green and healthy looking but the stems are red and I am worried any ideas??? Soil is sphagnum peat moss with perlite and some limestone. Im going to wait it out. But im concerned they are doomed.
  15. Rizzo00

    PC stealth grow - 1st time

    You are going to need at least 2x2 area to pull that. And thats if your setup is dialed in right. So for a noobie i suggest at least 3x3 area. Good luck
  16. Rizzo00

    PC stealth grow - 1st time

    I got a half OZ on my PC grow. It was my first pc grow but i have been growing for years and i dont see getting any more yield from it. Good luck
  17. Rizzo00

    My First Organized Attempt/ Stealth Grow Cab

    1st- dont put them in the same container. No bueno my friend. One plants root system can choke out another. Not to mention 5 or 6. IMO transplant into single pots Asap. And for gods sake are your power strips with the lights plugged into it being held on by tape????? If so fix asap or you could...
  18. Rizzo00

    My all T5 closet grow, 2nd grow

    Just keep your lights as close as possible and you will be good. I dont know why people keep telling you to use a hps when you cant. If you cant use a hps you just freakn cant. Ya know. Keep up good work. Oh and 500 wattts of flouros is great if you place them properly. Peace
  19. Rizzo00

    Advice sought

    In my opinion no....the red spectrum will cause more of a stretch and the blue will get more com.pact growth which IMO is best in vegging. Do both through out the entire grow just more 2700 in flowering. Good luck