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  1. lifesgood

    Electrician PLEEEZ!!Can u have to thick of a guage of wire running from 40amp breaker

    Here is a pic of the components im working with. By #6 i assume u mean the gauge of the wire... would i be better off getting a thinner wire to run this powerboard. What im going to be running off this power board are to 2 1000 watt hps220 1 1000 watt hps 120 v and 1 or 2 airconditioners and...
  2. lifesgood

    Electrician PLEEEZ!!Can u have to thick of a guage of wire running from 40amp breaker

    Great thanks for the quick replay its good to know that the wire will work ... I am not familair with electricianical vocab so i dont know what you mean by "terminate #6 on a device. what i would reccomend is getting a cheap MAIN LUG type 60amp loadcenter to put on the other end of your 6/3...
  3. lifesgood

    Electrician PLEEEZ!!Can u have to thick of a guage of wire running from 40amp breaker

    Need an electricians opinoin..... Im running a wire from a 40 amp breaker However my wire that i have is huge 3/6 is there any way you could have to thick( to large of a gauge of wire) running from a 40 amp breaker
  4. lifesgood

    Could You Promote Root Growth & Keep Your Rooms Good Temps During Night ??

    ok, what if ur rooms are 85+ and u use cubes dont u think the roots would be closer to that temp then 65-75???? or is the 65-75 range more for night time?
  5. lifesgood

    Could You Promote Root Growth & Keep Your Rooms Good Temps During Night ??

    You got it man, the earths soil stays luke warm while the plant is exposed to the colder weather.... Just to let u know the difference between day temps and nights temps souldnt be much larger then 12 deg... I think 55 is too low...i have my days temps at 82 and try to have my night time...
  6. lifesgood

    Could You Promote Root Growth & Keep Your Rooms Good Temps During Night ??

    It comes acrooss as those mats being more for seedlings and cuttings, would u think the same would be for plants in veg and bloom.... I know for a fact roots dont like it cold, they probably like it a lil warm but what temp? Has there ever been any sceince done behind this? What i was...
  7. lifesgood

    Could You Promote Root Growth & Keep Your Rooms Good Temps During Night ??

    sorry was a bit high when i wrote that dont know if it makes sense... pretty much i have to put in baseboard heaters under my tables as it gets to cold at night( when lights are off)..... they have to go under the tables as there is no other place for them..... but then i started to think if...
  8. lifesgood

    should i freakout?

    please never freak out, its mind of matter everything will be ok :) :D:D:D:D Lifes Good :D:D:D:D
  9. lifesgood

    Could You Promote Root Growth & Keep Your Rooms Good Temps During Night ??

    Thinking of putting baseboard heaters on at 63F when lights are off as its getting to cold in the room ...... howevers theres little space to work with in the room so the heaters would go under the tables... Is it ok to have heaters under tables???? the heaters and the table are about 3 feet...
  10. lifesgood

    pot city USA

    Well said ... its funny how they majority of the show was showing the bad side of growing.... sure there are idiots in every industry does that mean ur going to do a show about doctors and focus on the doctors who amputeded the wrong limb???? The best part of that show was that guy crying to...
  11. lifesgood

    What is the best strain for commercial grow?

    Umm noone was being called a moron , i said the combination of the 2 words : Commercial Grow & Apartment = oxy moron Defination of a oxymoron is: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste...
  12. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i figured i was throwing fuel to fire by adressing him... yes thats the funny thing how laws are based on number of plants, 1 can have 300 plants or 1 can 5 plants , yet those 5 plants can produce more then those 300.... what is quite a while?
  13. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Im putting together a 3 lighter this week for a freind to help out his mortgage I will ask if i can take pics as we go along if so ill make a thread. if intersted check it out its not that tought to pull lb + per light aircons act as duhums I am not a fan of cool tubes but i may need...
  14. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    its a crazy world i have more trust in my dogs then most people.... as people can be pawned into something so silly and belive they are doing the "right" thing. ANyways its my life and its good , ill play my cards at my discretion but thank u for ur concern :D
  15. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    what would they get out of that?
  16. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Im a nobody just another person on this planet :) But i know what u mean , the fact u cross borders and explore the world makes u a target for security chekcs even thoug 1 may not even commited a single "crime"
  17. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Any jail is not a place to be but i prefer to take my chacnes then to be subject to systematic slavery. What am i looking at if was to get cuaght with 300+ plants? and what does dob mean?
  18. lifesgood

    I have a feeling there is some theft going on, anyway i could mark the buds then chek

    i dont need to take anyones plants i got my own :D Thats why i put up this thread is that i gaves these chumps a chance for a % of the whole stock yet the % they got through me apperntly didnt seem enough to them eventhough if it wasnt for me they wouldnt have any % God acts in funny ways...
  19. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    hmm so i guess air to air would be the way to go unless ur diverting water from a stream or u choose to pay for it which would be a fortune to run a commercial unit like that... And i would think cool tubes would work wonders as well
  20. lifesgood

    Aussie Growers Thread

    ok so how would someone like ninja said do a 10 lighter? like they only run in winter which is 1/4 of the year long.... alot of the bigger guys here do the same thing but the grow season here is like all year round maybe for like 2-3 months during summer but even then our summers are milder then...