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  1. dux

    I need a cool name for my puppy.

    Poke or grinder? Shah?
  2. dux

    share yer experience with sannies seeds

    Made me laugh too!! Thought I got ripped off at first.....:mrgreen:
  3. dux

    Is there A Sannies Seeds thread?

    I'll have a jackberry report in about a week:blsmoke: and a killing fields report in about a month....first grow of Sannies and these 2 strains are hardy!! Grew great with no problems dwc in a scrog.i did do a STUPID,STUPID mistake and ran the KF tub dry and cooked some of the top buds,I know...
  4. dux

    Something I sketched while baked...

    I like it too !! Agree with iNVESTIGATE looks like it would fit right in " the Wall " also.. Keep em coming !
  5. dux

    Too Old for Clubbing?

    41 here,last time I got dragged into a clubby place I felt horribly out of place! Damn good looking women tho!and nice butts! Felt like a pedophile cause they all look so young...yup,getting older sucks!:bigjoint:
  6. dux

    Coldest May Ever!!!

    We had about 1 week of spring,then it turned into a really cold and wet summer,then back to winter then summer, i think it's some sort of spring again?!?! Crazy year fo' sure!
  7. dux


    Sorry to hear,really sucks..nice that you got to spend some time together. Hope the next few days go as good as they can..... Dux
  8. dux

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Give em weed AND meat,lets see how big a pig can get.....:bigjoint:
  9. dux

    DWC Leaf Droop after power out

    I had a power outage for 24 hours last year due to storms,plants looked a little sad but came back no problem.i was running dwc also..
  10. dux

    Inspecting Trichomes?

    30x here too...clip a leaf set it on the counter.i can easily tell what's clear or cloudy,and my eyes are only so-so..
  11. dux

    Curious phobia question

    I don't mind snakes at all ( I'm the guy who would chase ya with one) but spiders are a different story,I hate them all except pet tarantulas they seem more like a mammals? Plus they don't move like lightning and eat birds..
  12. dux

    what do ya do?

    20 years as a floor guy (carpet/linoleum) now I split between carpet and lawn care,feels good to spend a day on my feet and not the knees...carpet pays a lot better but beats a guy up too...I enjoy making less money but being outdoors and getting a killer tan!:bigjoint:
  13. dux

    Is This a Good or Bad Idea?

    ^^^^ this .... Also,could you get any sort of duct work to the outside? I only ask because my favorite closet is in my basement and I ran 6" duct to the outside and put a small can fan in my room sucking the outside air in,it made a huge improvement!( no co2) I also dwc.. I honestly don't...
  14. dux

    Deer prints in Grow holes

    If you have access to it,human hair is great! Folks have massive flower gardens and have tried the soap with good temporary results but they seem to get used to it? Kinda gross but they use hair and seems to last longer,dried blood seems to work but will wash away.each time you hit your plot you...
  15. dux

    Why do you guys think some herb makes you INSTANTLY need to shit??

    Never had it happen with bud,but when younger I had to be near a bathroom whenever someone broke out some coke ! We always called it Peruvian laxative..:mrgreen:
  16. dux

    Snake Season

    I'll stick to guys can have the venomous snakes and furry fast spiders!! some of the nastiest spiders I have ever seen were in Canada.locals called them dock spiders....I dunno,I think they ate turtles and would walk out on the dock and they scoot underneath,heebie...
  17. dux

    Topsy Turvy grow off - everyone thats gonna grow in one should post here lol

    Geez... Now I have to try this shit too!! Sounds kinda fun,I was given a couple of these goofy topsy things and never considered using one. Now I have a reason! I have an anesthesia plant ready to go out and seems like fun project!! Sunni-- you must be in my region with that photo of snow...
  18. dux

    Hunter around Plot

    A lot of people are under the impression that outdoor grows are done by gang bangers and bad people.the turkey hunter might have been "oh shit" "wth is this." Or worse case "score!". I'm a hunter and would never mess with someone's grow..I'd be more interested in meeting the grower and...
  19. dux

    What's your favorite beer/ kind of beer?

    I'm kinda generic,summer time I love water beers bud,coors,mich etc(when I don't have a vodka/tonic).winter,smithwicks,leinies, A Guiness is always welcome with a slab of beef or Venison on the grill...:mrgreen: Or any time..:bigjoint:
  20. dux

    People from the heartland

    Never did the egg wash,seems I only find enough for a couple steaks..I use the flour to absorb as much flavor as I can:bigjoint: sounds great! Just like frying up a batch of blue gills!!!