Again, 20 yr old le barrons and suburbans cost like 50 a month to insure.
Keep pounding.
2014 Dodge truck 2017 TOYOTA.
Truck is halfway paid off and its been 3 years.
Was that you I passed doing 55 in a 70mph? Nice Le Barron. No wait let me guess you paid cash brand new 20 years ago. Your credit is spotless and you spend afternoons at the post office making small talk.
Did I hit a litttle too close to home? Just because I'm accurate doesn't mean I'm angry.
Bill Clinton got a blowjob and conservatives say it caused 9/11.
Trump is a bloviating idiot who sold this country's greatest institution out to Brighton Beach gangsters and you're like yawn.
A martyr for who?
Bloated, date raping, fake millionaires?
I want to see the statue they out up for him. I wonder if the artist will capture his BPH and camel toe.
Just kill yourself already and please spare others the torture of interacting with your miserable lonely ass. For real. How did you find this website? Why do miserable lonely old people hang out on a pot site? Shouldnt you be shitposting in the WaPo comments section?
Why aren't you out yelling...
For real, kickstarter that shit. You could hire all the unemployed middle aged methheads and opioid addicted seniors that voted for trump.
the white phone. for white people.
The ringtones are just loud enough to be passive aggressive.
Hell if you succeed you can run for President. Obviously...
This why affirnative action exists. Conservatives think women are biologically inferior and that's it, right? It goes no further than that. Hey asshole if you want a completely white male technology company start one. I mean from start to finish let no one touch the product but white male hands...
Ya dont say? You mean a white racist's views are popular in a majority white company inside a majority white country with a history of racism.
Bro wha?