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  1. B

    mueller grand jury on russia

    Facebook doesn't count. "My profile has friends" lol retard. I'm asking about you you dumbass not the Bullshit you post about yourself online. Friends dont let friends drop out of high school. I have 2 geds and 2 high school diplomas. I would help dumbasses like you by taking their GEDS. Walk...
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    the politics of jailing journalists

    Watch this asshole get doxxed and apologize like a bitch when we find put he's a delivery driver for Frito Lays and is scurred of getting shitcanned.
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    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    He must have huge calves from all that toe tapping under stalls. Too cornball for grndr.
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    mueller grand jury on russia

    So like 5 out of the 7 people in your circle jerk like you and you're bragging about it? You're "wife" must have a thing for braggadocious morons. Does she have legal custody of you? You know power of attorney because you're IQ is too low to make safe decisions for yourself.
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    Trump Nominates Sam Clovis, a Dude Who is Not a Scientist, to be Department of Agriculture's Top Sci

    Well shit if he aint the very epitome of a Duplin County good ole boy.
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    Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

    GOD The jackass was meant for Tampees quote not your response.
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    Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

    Because that is what has happened in every war since the beginning of time. Because gay people are a new thing that were just created in the last 75 years. jackass
  8. B

    Real deal sour diesel?

    Gas smell with some pungent citrus thrown in. Crazy greens with popping Orange hairs. Crazy up high for 25% of the high then hard stone and super munchies. The off color fruitier version is nycd. The more powerful gas and citrus is real sd.
  9. B

    Pyongyang: Proved that the entire US was within range.

    And Russia has been and always will be a flaming pile of shit. Bowl of frozen tears for dinner again komrade? How about I trade you a pack of Trojans for a pack of those back hair cigarettes, that way you won't give anyone else HIV for a month (we know you reuse them),
  10. B

    Proof the DNC was not hacked by Russia

    I think they're waiting for more people to flip and the only way that happens is with immunity. I think the Russia thing gets pinned on Kushner and the kids while some money laundering shit Mueller finds on Trump is what gets him impeached. He will pardon himself but he will be forced out in a...
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    Proof the DNC was not hacked by Russia

    Why do you think everyone at the Orange House has double and triple lawyered up?
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    Proof the DNC was not hacked by Russia

    Born in a hot car in a Wal-Mart parking lot.
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    Proof the DNC was not hacked by Russia

    Wait every intelligence agency in the works says Russia did it and we, on this board have to prove them and your stupid theory otherwise? Werd or Derp?
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    Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

    Hey idiot saying the president is an asshole is free speech but constantly repeating lies as facts is ignorant and dangerous. Are you that simple minded that you let yourself be swayed by a couple of homemade videos? Are you that poorly educated that you have nothing on which to base your opinions?
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    We are almost there - the descent of Trump

    "I question facts.." nuff said
  16. B

    Proof the DNC was not hacked by Russia

    This moron. It would be like explaining climate change or evolution to a Republican. No matter how many times it is explained you wont accept the facts. Why waste the time? Good distraction tactic though. Classic even.
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    We are almost there - the descent of Trump

    Stupid looking free red MAGA hats? Still trying to figure this one out.
  18. B

    Trump to bring in WW3

    Why do Russians sound like idiots when they try to sound American? Who the fuck says "This is a VERY good thing."? Who the fuck are you, Jackie Mason? You know how I can tell you're a Russian troll? Because your phrases sound translated. The syntax is wrong for someone thinking and...
  19. B

    We are almost there - the descent of Trump

    Increased spending on Veeagra and just for men?