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  1. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    Nice! Are you flushing or using those SmokeNgrow nutes still? :)
  2. dudeoflife

    Hmmmm. A short flowering time? Well, Ak-47 is a 56 dayish. So is C99, Apollo 11, and Sweettooth...

    Hmmmm. A short flowering time? Well, Ak-47 is a 56 dayish. So is C99, Apollo 11, and Sweettooth varieties. There are strains that have been around a while, and are proven yielders. Check out some of the Nirvana F2's, and do a search for Joey Weed. Joey Weed is an awesome breeder, very...
  3. dudeoflife

    PKP gets the good stuff... no more bag seed!

    No prob, my friend! You should be getting the goods by early next week. Sorry it took so long to get the samples together.... Oh, the growing pains of a new business!
  4. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    Thanks for the praise, Ganja. In all fairness, GH Maxibloom has carried this one. SmokeNGrow is only icing on the cake for now, since it was introduced so late in the grow. However, I believe that your crop will produce a heluva lot more resin these next couple weeks than if ya stuck with the...
  5. dudeoflife

    Just getting it together!

    Just getting it together!
  6. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    Excellent writeup, Ganja! You will see some serious resin production.
  7. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    Thanks for your support!
  8. dudeoflife

    You stoner. lol.

    You stoner. lol.
  9. dudeoflife

    What's the Best Ph Up and Down to Use?

    Here's another one: Citric Acid Powder. Another excellent and inexpensive solution for lowering your ph, and probably the safest.
  10. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    Awesome. Hey, even if it takes another night to let those bags get that much lighter, then do that. We don't want 'em overwatered!
  11. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    So I hear you're about ready to try out some sweet new nutes.... What are they called again? :)
  12. dudeoflife

    Smoke 'N Grow, baby!

    Smoke 'N Grow, baby!
  13. dudeoflife


    Welcome to RIU!
  14. dudeoflife

    OK OK. Inbox emptied again. Getting slammed!

    OK OK. Inbox emptied again. Getting slammed!
  15. dudeoflife

    What's the Best Ph Up and Down to Use?

    Also -- in defense of GH Down, dry formula, On the flipside, the urea in said product seems to agree with hard water. Still have to research that one. Notice how on the GH Flora Hardwater Micro bottle, that it also contains urea as a source of N. Go figure. Coincidence? So maybe the GH Down...
  16. dudeoflife

    What's the Best Ph Up and Down to Use?

    Excellent Post! I would also like to add a few things about the GH Down- I am looking at the ingredients of the Dry Concentrate, which are: Ammonium Sulfate, Citric Acid, and Urea Phosphate. The slime you can get in your rez from the concentrate could be from the urea contained in that...
  17. dudeoflife

    Empty YOUR inbox, stoner.

    Empty YOUR inbox, stoner.
  18. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    Hot damn, this is some serious shit! They have really filled out since the last update. I'm as pleased as punch things are working out for the better. All this shit that has happened the past two weeks will hopefully have little impact on the quality and yield of your crop. Well, it's evident...
  19. dudeoflife

    Help, this keeps happening! Deficiency?

    EWW. The hoses??? Wow. You can't find that in any book. So are you gonna swap out your hoses and hope for the best?
  20. dudeoflife

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    Well, I don't know about you, but I'm about ready to see some donkey dicks.