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  1. Rizzo00

    Plz hlp

    You cannot go on leaf yellowing to judge harvest time! What happens when a plant 4 weeks into flowering goes into lock out due to over fertilizing and starts to kill off all fan leaves, and by week 6 are all dead does that mean the flowers arw done fg2020?? I think not! Thats not the only...
  2. Rizzo00

    Plz hlp

    She is requiring more of certain nutes at this point of its life because of flowering and when it doesnt get what it needs from soil it takes from the foliage. Are you feeding any nutes? If not I would recomend you do so. Everything that is happening is natural for this plant. You can make it...
  3. Rizzo00

    the ladies this week...

    Looks awesome
  4. Rizzo00

    Plz hlp

    Yes jeff he can read all the forums he can handle and im sure he has the same time some peeps just like too have a second opinion and im sure he wanted to show off his christmas tree. Lol. Looks good Zigman but let it ride a while longer.
  5. Rizzo00

    Samsara seeds, Sweet Black Angel

    I have a 8+footer! Just now starting to fatten up. Smells almost spicey I would say. What phenos(smells, tastes) are you guys getting?
  6. Rizzo00

    first grow feedback encouraged

    From the looks of your setup you are expecting monstters(mylar all over walls)??? If you are you will be in need of much more light! I wouldnt use any less than a 1000 watts hps for flower for 10 plants. What are you expecting from this grow yield wise? How long are you vegging?
  7. Rizzo00

    Harvest? 83 days 46 flower?

    just cut one little branch so you can watch your show! Lol and let the rest continue. You dont have to harvest the whole thing at once. Oh and when you smoke the stuff you let go vs. early stuff you will be glad you let it go.
  8. Rizzo00

    Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Outdoor Grow

    + rep! How hot does it get where you are. I would think that trash can would get hot as hell and bake roots. Obviously not tho..... Lol
  9. Rizzo00

    monterey spinosad the real deal?

    Captain jacks spinosad $11 pre mixed or like $20 for concentrate and you mix. Works great for spider mites, bud worms, grass hoppers etc.
  10. Rizzo00

    Winter grow in Alicante, Spain

    I had plants growing in 40's and 50's this year and they did just fine! Probably could have gotten larger yield with higher temps but...i still got an ounce off each 24 inch plant.
  11. Rizzo00

    nute issue or wat

    Looks to me like its just normal yellowing of fan leaves due to the start of flowering. Transplant might help a little if.... You are careful and dont hurt it when you do it. Gentle gentle gentle. I wouldnt be concerned with the yellowing. Good luck. What strain?
  12. Rizzo00

    Flowering of Sativas vs. Indicas

    Nicely said there good chap!!! Damn Im stoned!! Lol
  13. Rizzo00

    first grow outdoors blue dream

    Looks great! How tall is it?
  14. Rizzo00

    Samsara Seeds Review!! A must look before buying.!!!

    I am very pleased with my SBA which I received as a freebie and I also have the more SSH pheno because she is 8 feet tall now. Looks like its going to be a bountiful harvest this year. Great branching. she got topped a few times and bent over and tied down. Extremely strong plant IMO! I look...
  15. Rizzo00

    Sweet Black Angels

    So how are they coming along? Almost ready to harvest? New pics please!!!
  16. Rizzo00

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I think I havebud worms for the first time. What does BT stand for cuz I need to get some ASAP!
  17. Rizzo00

    ***update** full flower!

    Very nice indeed!
  18. Rizzo00

    Ricof78 first time grow thread

    Almost forgot to mention that you should practice some LST with them. Tie the tops of all of them away from each other. Not sure if thats clear to understand. Haha im picturing it in my head just hope you can see it to. Haha
  19. Rizzo00

    Ricof78 first time grow thread

    If it were me I wouldput them on 12/12 now. What light are you using? If you use a hps for flower you will be just fine cuz it will caise them to stretch a bit. Either way you will be fine but to maximize yield I would flower now.
  20. Rizzo00

    Ricof78 first time grow thread

    If you wait any longer that big one will smother the other ones. next time maybe put them in separate containers so you can move/ adjust them so they get max light. Is it possible for you to take the smaller ones out and repot? They look super healthy tho good work. You just need to maximize the...