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  1. slonez47

    Club 600

    Man I can't say that. It took alittle longer for the wild child in me to die, it definitely was'nt immediate. I can say that I would'nt trade mine in for two twenty year olds and I have'nt been arrested in ten years. lol
  2. slonez47

    24hr light cycle for veg

    Jorge says in his bible that he'd thought that there was a point of diminishing return on lights, but that research showed twenty four hours of light DID promote fast veg growth, so the answer is yes. Twenty four hours is good. I still keep mine 18/6 though. Let me know how it does for you and...
  3. slonez47

    Can I transplant my 6ft 3" plant?

    The root ball will be tight as hell so it'll most likely slide out of the pot easily. Get someone to help you hold the plant and you should'nt have any problem moving it to another pot. It may stress it alittle but the growth is stunted anyway right? In the end it'll probably want to hug you...
  4. slonez47

    Club 600

    Marriage has that effect on a man. I have fifteen years invested in mine. Congrats brother!
  5. slonez47

    Club 600

    Whatcha know good Mr Murphy? That's Texan for Good Morning. ;) That tropical storm hit Texas like a premature ejaculation. Just a slow soaking rain, but we needed it.
  6. slonez47

    How Does My First Homemade Bubble Cloner Look?

    Yes. A humity dome.
  7. slonez47

    Cheap hopefully free natural fertz

    Hey Cranker. Are you familiar with the old Cheech and Chong routine where they think it's dogshit? They touch it, smell it, taste it decide that it IS dogshit and are glad that they did'nt step in it.
  8. slonez47

    Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

    The poor man's heating pad. ;)
  9. slonez47

    are my Attitude seeds okay?

    Frigging ingrate.
  10. slonez47

    Club 600

    Just to lighten the mood a bit. I was just on a thread where a guy asked if seed banks replaced your purchase if it did'nt grow. The answer he got was, " Does Wendy's refund your money if the chili does'nt fill you up? " Man, I hit the floor laughing.
  11. slonez47

    are my Attitude seeds okay?

    One more thing though. What Wendy's or any fast food restaurant for that matter do you go to where the food looks just like the menu? Mine comes out looking like someone used it for a seat cushion or something. ;)
  12. slonez47

    are my Attitude seeds okay?

    Man too many things can go wrong, especially with a new grower. They're not going to take responsibility for someone elses mistake. If your seeds don't arrive, they'll send you more. That's the best you can hope for. You have to admit, if you'd been on the sidelines watching that shit would have...
  13. slonez47

    are my Attitude seeds okay?

    Classic. I feel over. ;)
  14. slonez47

    Club 600

    This is like my second day on this thread and it's almost like home. lol I'm doing the less is best now. Paying 100% attention to a small grow. I'd really like to learn the intricacies of growing and right now I think I'd be overwhelmed by a big project. The walk before you run technique I...
  15. slonez47

    Club 600

    Spoken like a true gentleman. ;)
  16. slonez47

    Club 600

    Man I'm still pretty green at this, and I enjoy making bad puns, but I can see that with every grow things will be tweeked the next go round. You know? Things don't stay static, they constantly change. You talk to people, learn new things, technology changes. That's what I find so freaking cool...
  17. slonez47

    Club 600

    Very nice my friend.
  18. slonez47

    Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

    If the taproot looked good I'd wait to see what happens. Like I said, I planted my seeds about three quarters of an inch deep and it took then three days to pop the top of the surface.
  19. slonez47

    are my Attitude seeds okay?

    I got the Master Kush from them and half of the seeds were kind of puny, I have one going right now that may be a beauty. You'll just have to wait and see. Good luck brother.
  20. slonez47

    Club 600

    Just keep your head up and never let 'em see you sweat.