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  1. slonez47

    Club 600

    I hope it all works out well for you.
  2. slonez47

    Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

    You can soak them for not more than twenty four hours. You can also ease the wicking of the water through the seed shell by scarification. Line a small matchbox with fine grain sandpaper, drop your seeds in and shake them for a few seconds. I soaked mine and it generally took about three days to...
  3. slonez47

    clone question/roots

    If the question was to toss or not, that depends on how viable the plants are now. Are they worth the time? That's a subjective opinion.
  4. slonez47

    Club 600

    Yeah it's a live fast, die young, and leave a pretty corpse attitude. I've lived too long for the pretty corpse thing though. The worms might find me attractive but then again, they have such low standards.LOL
  5. slonez47

    Club 600

    I live in a right to work state and unions are very weak. I went home from a job and the journeyman scale was about eight dollars an hour less than what I made, and I did'nt have monthly dues.
  6. slonez47

    Club 600

    To tell you the truth, the state where I live, the union does'nt do much for their members. Minnisota, now that's another ballgame. Overtime after eight, time and a half on saturday, double time on sunday, a HELL of a nice retirement and vacation package. That's where the union is strong. They...
  7. slonez47

    Club 600

    I was a union hand for almost nine years. I respect the union in that they train the hands in all aspects of the trade. I just did'nt need a BA to find me work, and alot of times I've worked jobs with union hands and made significantly more money. Their argument was, " It's not all about the...
  8. slonez47

    Club 600

    I've gotten used to the heights, but that's really when you have to be careful. When you become complacent with what you do.
  9. slonez47

    Club 600

    We have a sense of humor huh? ;)
  10. slonez47

    Club 600

    The places where I work require a full body harness and 100% tie. Only other option is a short walk to the gate. I've seen a couple of guys killed on the job due to falls and I've taken a couple myself. Luckily for me, the worst one I managed to catch myself. We have a saying, " If you fall...
  11. slonez47

    Light height of HPS bulb?

    Close as you can without any adverse effects on your plants. Take the heat test. If it's too hot for your hand, then it's too hot basically
  12. slonez47

    what about a horizontal pot?

    Sounds like a short, fat pot to me.
  13. slonez47

    flowering light colour

    How did that turn out for you? I read an article on another site that said some outfit in Amsterdam were proving you could get decent yield from CFL's.
  14. slonez47

    Club 600

    I feel your pain. When I started in the trade you were still climbing columns to get where you needed to be. Like Micky Mantle once said, " If I'd known that I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself. "
  15. slonez47

    Club 600

    Brother things HAVE changed. Around the refineries down here they use the hair folicle test. Try taking a bottle to one of those and see where it gets you. ;)
  16. slonez47

    Too much nitrogen?? Healthy plants but nodes every inch!!

    I was never a Boy Scout, but I ate a Brownie once. lol
  17. slonez47

    Club 600

    IMHO. If you don't spend time with them you don't deserve them. Then again, that's just my opinion. ;) That and they don't talk
  18. slonez47

    Too much nitrogen?? Healthy plants but nodes every inch!!

    I have. About forty eight of them. ;)
  19. slonez47

    Club 600

    Damn! Sucked to be him. I still have all ten fingers, but I've torn shit up before and got hit with the bottle.
  20. slonez47

    Too much nitrogen?? Healthy plants but nodes every inch!!

    Just sitting back drinking a cold one. I'm on the gulf coast here and we're supposed to get hit with a very large storm. They're saying up to twenty inches of rain in some places.