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  1. cheechako

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    You have no idea how bad cabin fever can hit up here.
  2. cheechako

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    On here yet?
  3. cheechako

    How about a 'dislike' button????????

    As much as I like some of the mods here, they don't have that kind of power. Any negative rep I got, I did all on my own! :)
  4. cheechako

    Cold weather growing

    Magic seeds work the best. In the meantime, you might want to read up on growing weed or at least watch some videos.
  5. cheechako

    SONGS that u would listen to over and over again !!!

    Can't begin to count how many times I had sex with this in the background
  6. cheechako

    The Song you would want playing at some portion of your funeral?
  7. cheechako

    SONGS that u would listen to over and over again !!!
  8. cheechako

    Movies-TV Shows you will rewatch and rewatch?

    Well, your bits are hanging out.
  9. cheechako

    The Song you would want playing at some portion of your funeral?

    Mr. Rodgers Garden of Your Mind re-mix. In fact, that is the next time I want to encounter that song - at my funeral.
  10. cheechako

    Movies-TV Shows you will rewatch and rewatch?

    A while back, I found China Beach! One of these days I will get my wife to watch that. Somebody digitized VHS recordings. They have never released it on DVD. :(
  11. cheechako

    Post here if you support an entertainment section

    I we do that, then we would need a Mildly Entertaining section as well. Where will it end?
  12. cheechako


    Thank you. Now I will never sleep tonight.
  13. cheechako


    I'm not saying cigs are safe or don't have bad chemicals and compounds. Again, I'm not so sure inhaling any burning plant matter is good. However, tobacco has polonium, which is a different radioactive element. (Po, not Pu.) Also very bad for you. You can also get Po in your diet too (example)...
  14. cheechako

    Mio Water Falvor in Bongs

    First post bump from the past, eh. It would work, don't listen to everyone else. Just a few drops before you sandwich your firecrackers together.
  15. cheechako

    Happy Groundhog Day!

    For the dad that has everything, why not get him a Ground Hog Day Tie?
  16. cheechako

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

  17. cheechako

    Happy Groundhog Day!

    You mean Marmot Day
  18. cheechako

    This could be a job of a lifetime.

    If they want to regulate or sell it, I think they should keep it separate. For some, it is a choice. For others, it might make it easier to be a choice instead of a combo. So they might hire Ed. Isn't he the one that said: like tomatoes: home gardens, farmers markets, and Huntz 57 strains? :)
  19. cheechako

    Strong weed smell at night

    The OP says that the odor hits right after lights out. (The plants are deprived a dusk cycle, though.) Some herbs peak at dawn. Apparently, there is some crepuscular shift. As far as I know, the darkness is what triggers flowering. We go with 12/12 for ease, but it is actually a bit less...
  20. cheechako


    Good luck. In around 30 years, I tried to quit a half dozen times - most in the past 10 years. I broke a year - longest so far, and I just stopped this time. No gum, patches, or anything. This is the first time I quit and was also a daily mj smoker (and vape too). Of course, I don't smoke mj...