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  1. cannabiscuit7

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    hell ya they will! the trichs actually fall off the bud onto the sugar leafs when the buds get "overcrowded".So when you manicure your buds and you have enough leaf tips(full of resin and trichs) you can either smoke them when they're dry enough or use them to make a concentrate of some sort.:leaf:
  2. cannabiscuit7

    I've Smoked Weed for over 4 Decades; this is my First Attempt at Growing Anything.

    awesome bro.dark green leafs no stretching,you must spoil them eh? lol. well anyway Shot i was just wondering if your going to supercrop them badd girls?i have a feeling youd be able to get 3 oz. at the least per plant (not supercropping) so if you did super crop..oh boy:bigjoint:
  3. cannabiscuit7

    One Seed Two Plants?! WTF

    lol when your girls are have to name the product Siamese O.G:lol:its so fitting.Too bad its not a Cheese, Siamese Cheese sounds way more boss:-P
  4. cannabiscuit7

    One Seed Two Plants?! WTF

    what?!thats such a trip dude.Itd be even more of a trip if both are attached to the same tap root,if thats even possible,but than again,idk whats possible anymore after this thread.:-P
  5. cannabiscuit7

    Is this Section all about Pushing your Beliefs on others?

    lol and for the record,when i joined RIU,i thought it was going to be a bunch of chill growers and smokers. Boy,was i wrong lol:mrgreen:
  6. cannabiscuit7

    Is this Section all about Pushing your Beliefs on others?

    well thats what an online community is for,exchanging ideas with others you'll probably never meet in real life.i agree with you theres a lot of vicious thread on this forum lol (and i myself am guilty for acting like a religous dick on some of them), but, if you take time to have a discussion...
  7. cannabiscuit7

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    alright,i apologize for being a total bigot coming on this thread the other day.I still want to discuss one thing however. Now was it the teachings in holy documents that caused so much bloodshed?or was it the tyrants who twisted the teachings for propaganda of their own gain?(just want to...
  8. cannabiscuit7

    Ever see a movie that is so bad it's good? cannibal;the musical by:southpark creators trev parker & matt stone
  9. cannabiscuit7

    Ever see a movie that is so bad it's good?

    the room cheesy actors,lead actor has german accent:clap:
  10. cannabiscuit7

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    there isnt any morals unique to religon,the purpose of religon is spirituality.When my mother got sick,i had somewhere to turn to,to keep me going through the "black and white" in life.If there was a moral unique to religon id say id be the will to do good and others good as well.
  11. cannabiscuit7

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    he is dumb and ignorant and you are too.And i didnt call him dumb and ignorant because he doesnt believe in god or has different beliefs.Hes dumb and ignorant for starting a dumb and ignorant thread
  12. cannabiscuit7

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    if you find peace and happiness in Atheism than hats off to you.When you start a thread asking how to 'eradicate' my religon thats when i take offense.
  13. cannabiscuit7

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    what religon says women are inferior?muslim?theyve had the same religous values for thosands of years,even though i do not agree with some of it,they have the right to Worship god however they want.And hell is just another word for"cosequence" as heaven is "reward".Without these established...
  14. cannabiscuit7

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society? heres my stand on evolution lol:-P
  15. cannabiscuit7

    How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

    i didnt bother reading this ignorant thread,i just wanted to quote you and ask you why is it everytime i see a thread started by you,it knocks on other peoples beliefs.Obviously your a very scared and lonely atheist,and the only way to make yourself feel better is to keep making these dumb...
  16. cannabiscuit7

    How To Start An Argument Online

    ron paul,ron paul,f*** iran,i piss on my plants because the nitrogen is good for them:lol:
  17. cannabiscuit7

    How To Start An Argument Online

    harvest when the pistols are amber,trichs dont tell you nada:dunce:
  18. cannabiscuit7

    Long hair on men?

    long hairs the shit,during a long winter ill just toss on my bulls hat and my long hair and fascial hair keeps me warm and keeps me looking good.
  19. cannabiscuit7

    For stupid perople who are stupid....or bored people....

    ya man lol,the first time i clicked the green square and was like "now what the f*** do i do?"
  20. cannabiscuit7

    For stupid perople who are stupid....or bored people....

    does green make people feel forgetful? lol