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  1. cannabiscuit7

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    ya youll be straight with the 200w and all,i just dont like the popcorn nugs at the bottom,i try to put cfls a maximum of 6 in. on every side or i lollipop the hell outta them if i dont have enough :) the girl i got now i cut a few popcorn spots off the bottom and 2 days later there were 2 bud...
  2. cannabiscuit7

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    ya dude when you grow with CFLS you need lil money and alot of patience lol
  3. cannabiscuit7

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    hell ya man,girls look dank. You gonna put some vertical lighting in the middle?datll be boss bro:bigjoint:
  4. cannabiscuit7

    Beware of Noob Answers!!!

    lol why the fuck would you ride a high horse,ull end up in the middle of nowhere haha:hump:
  5. cannabiscuit7

    whats like the biggest yield ever recorded by 1 plant(marijuana)

    id be ugly too if i were smoking 20 ft trees all day:eyesmoke:
  6. cannabiscuit7

    whats like the biggest yield ever recorded by 1 plant(marijuana)

    heres a pic i found off google(cant resize image) of another humongous lady,also,while doing some research,i discovered that the largest mj plant ever was grown in India at 50 ft!:lol:im looking for the article now to post up(theres no pics tho:-()
  7. cannabiscuit7

    whats like the biggest yield ever recorded by 1 plant(marijuana)

    exactcly,the average american breaks some bank just buying a mh/hps,plus inline fans and electricity added to the initial cost.i doubt mj cultivators from SE asia and wherever are wasting their precious currency on lights..when they have the perfect environment just outside their house
  8. cannabiscuit7

    Show ya rooms off

    southside,:-Plol what a trip man,and are you vegging. and flwring in that thing?
  9. cannabiscuit7

    First time grow (help)

    i see,well good luck!(i meant no disrespect Hemmingway)im hoping to see some baseball-sized nugs.:bigjoint:
  10. cannabiscuit7

    whats like the biggest yield ever recorded by 1 plant(marijuana)

    lol i can build a tree house in that thing
  11. cannabiscuit7

    whats like the biggest yield ever recorded by 1 plant(marijuana)

    :othats monsterous,all the bud spots look like main colas,thats what i was looking for:weed:how much you think^dude yielded?
  12. cannabiscuit7

    whats like the biggest yield ever recorded by 1 plant(marijuana)

    thats what im thinking. Somewhere in South America, SouthEast Asia ,or Africa theirs like a 20ft plant flowering right now:weed:
  13. cannabiscuit7

    First time grow (help)

    if its your 1st time,why AEROPONICS?you should use soil...easier and tastier:hump:
  14. cannabiscuit7

    whats like the biggest yield ever recorded by 1 plant(marijuana)

    just got done putting my headband on(pun), and i was wondering if anyone on here knows of any 1 monsterous plant with ridiculous yields?Is their like a world record holder or somthing:lol:?i heard of 3 to 5 lbs. of yielded bud,but have never seen pics.I even found a forum on here where dude...
  15. cannabiscuit7

    Show ya rooms off

    hey skinitti nice grow pod cage thing lol ,ima reconstruct my growroom when my never ending Sativas finally done :( u should get mylar on dat cage,itll be full of bright light. Im in the chi too dude dats was up lol fuk a pc fan jus leave a window open its like 40 degrees out
  16. cannabiscuit7

    Revenge worthy?

    yes karma shall get them
  17. cannabiscuit7

    Revenge worthy?

    kidnap 1 and have the others give you 100 pounds ransom :) lol
  18. cannabiscuit7

    I found pure DXM

    lol i just realised what forum im in
  19. cannabiscuit7

    I found pure DXM

    Dexalones good too,30mg,and pure dxm, dont fuck with triple Cs,its mixxed with other shit(acetaminophen) that shouldnt be taken with DXM in high quantities.I LOVE TRIPPIN ON DXM:peace::hump:
  20. cannabiscuit7

    starting a tiny grow what do i need?

    23w or higher CFLS blue spectrum 6500k for veg. (cool white) red spectrum 2700k or 3000k for flwr.(warm white) keep lights close,but not TOO close with cfls