Search results

  1. hammer21

    Healing the Woodsman - Its time folks.

    Dropped off a couple 1000s hope they help. Get well soon woodsman thanks for everything you have done on this forum.
  2. hammer21

    Michigan House Panel Signs off on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Edible Products

    If By chance it's passed without change I think it will separate the grower from the growers. Only the cream will come to the top.
  3. hammer21

    Battle creek dispensary raided

    text size Marijuana dispensary investigated Updated: Friday, November 22 2013, 02:41 PM EST BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – Police are investigating a marijuana dispensary in Battle Creek. The Michigan State Police says members of the Southwest Enforcement Team executed five search...
  4. hammer21

    Winter rates

    Holy frock..... Never knew they had different rates
  5. hammer21

    need some help... again.

    Hydro plants will tell you what's happening. Get a blue lab guardian and a reference meter determine PPMs. PPMs go up back off on nutes, PPMs go down increase nutes, you want stability never ever trust just one meter........ Never been able to go above 800 PPMs with any strain. Advanced nutes...
  6. hammer21

    Flooded Tubes vs Undercurrent

    If you decide on the tubes use egg crate wrapped in silk screen lay in the bottom of the tubes this prevents water dams and great drainage also I would recommend spraying.
  7. hammer21

    The wave....

    Something to see I'm sure they and boat felt that one.
  8. hammer21


    OX spreading the truth and facts about aero so much bull shit spread threw out. And no I am not a idiot you on the other hand need to work threw the bull shit and you will find the truth. Yes I do have a life and I am done with this place.........
  9. hammer21

    I ran into a wall!

    Use sealed light hoods and exhaust hot air out of your room. mount light ballast out of your room. install chiller if used out of your room. bottom line remove everything that creates heat from your room and air conditioners will run less. use this heat to keep you warm this winter....
  10. hammer21


    How exactly is a 1 second spray time ever going to penetrate the root mass failure will come your want highly oxygenated nutrient solution to completely saturate the root mass. Micron size is only used to attach oxygen molecules to your nutrients. There is so much bad information...
  11. hammer21

    Misting and pump pressure.

    Stop reading crap.... Micron size is only used to attach oxygen molecules to your nutrient solution when spraying. The root mass is to thick you Must penetrate the complete root mass or you will have dryness in the center that creates root rot. Bottom line spray heavy unless you are teasing the...
  12. hammer21

    Feel Electricity running through air duct??

    Use a light bulb put one hand on a ground the other around the threads of the bulb touch base of bulb on different objects when the light get brighter you are getting close. No wait don't do this lmao....
  13. hammer21

    Calling on rrog! Or some other smarty pants

    I use connoisseur ,rhino skin , bud x, sensizym, b52 works good not thinking going with any other. Ph stays stable pre mix 25 gallon tank have 16 gallon resovior auto top off.
  14. hammer21

    Germinating 15 year old seeds: No luck with many methods

    take the seeds put in a glass of water when they sink then put in paper towel moisten then put seeds in paper towel on a plate wrap with Saran Wrap put in dark warm place 80-85 degrees wait up to 7-10 days. Look for condensation developing good luck.
  15. hammer21

    Anyone from Jackson heard?

    Anyone heard of the dispensaries reopening in Jackson?
  16. hammer21

    Class Action Section 8

    How to get started making a new law or amending a law.
  17. hammer21

    Pot for potholes

    So now this from are elected officials lets tax the ill and under employed to fix are roads.
  18. hammer21

    Class Action Section 8

    The only way I see things changing is for a new amendment that we the people vote on. We need change let's get something on the ballot for the people by the people...........