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  1. Huckster79

    Did Kathy Griffin go to far?

    We certainly can still disagree, but i maybe i wasnt articulate enough in saying i fully beleive Liberals need to be visciously passionate against him and the neo cons. Fighting fiercely politically, loud proud and bold. Not acceptong normalization of any of their insanity, not cutting them any...
  2. Huckster79

    Did Kathy Griffin go to far?

    Yes she went too far. after seeing some of the horrid images after Obamas election and such, my beleif is not based on "did she cross a line thats not been crossed before?".. absolutly not! the alt right knows no bounds iv seen images just as grusome as hers. She went too far because...
  3. Huckster79

    Cannabis oil for sex lube?

    I think its worth a shot... wasbjust curious if i was the only perv that ever wondered...
  4. Huckster79

    You know you are a grower when...

    When you stop and pick up a road kill skunk and relocate it near your driveway and you cook bacon daily for days on end for a couple weeks every couple months....
  5. Huckster79

    Cannabis oil for sex lube?

    I would think vaginally would too as thats mucous membrane too...
  6. Huckster79

    Negative Press Covfefe

    We gotta get him off the opiods and onto some good ol wildwood weed, sessions ass would be toast in no time! Serilusly for the worlds sake.... weed cud literally save the world in this case
  7. Huckster79

    Is Trump smiling after London?

    Of course he was happy, any excuse to grab power is welcomed by an autocrat...
  8. Huckster79

    Cannabis oil for sex lube?

    If one made canna oil like with straight palm oil and used it erotically, front or back door, would the receiver not get high? Would the parter get high if cullangus where performed? Seriously too, not just to post a beavis like question...
  9. Huckster79

    Negative Press Covfefe

    Them dan confeves can chew some time man, tell me about it...
  10. Huckster79

    Negative Press Covfefe

    Ya know, confeve may have taken that thought from fringe to maintreme. Riglentinus
  11. Huckster79

    trump exempts his entire senior staff from ethics rules

    Looks like ya gotta dive into meat of em... some are legit, others are definetly scetchy, anyway hes at like a five fold pace of Obama... im gunna dive into them more. Ones like Prieubus that allows him comminication directly with forner employer, the GOP, i get. Bannon, really? So he can talk...
  12. Huckster79

    trump exempts his entire senior staff from ethics rules

    Serious question: how often where they used in past?
  13. Huckster79

    trump exempts his entire senior staff from ethics rules

    They can call it what they will, but i refuse to be quiet as this lunatic turns our great nation into an international embarassment. I refuse to be silent as he stomps political norms of centuries, i refuse to be quiet as he uses his office to enrich his friends and to fuck our planet. I...
  14. Huckster79

    Negative Press Covfefe

    Ok, the tweet is funny enough... but spicers explanation that Oompa Loompa and a select few know exactly what it means... now thats whack! Wouldnt any rational person respond, "it was a simple typo the president deleted..." but gotta enuendo it was a coded message or an inside...
  15. Huckster79

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    Dear Trumpers who are smokers/Growers... Does it bother you in the least he complimented Duterte on his war on drugs??? The one where they execute people for even personal use outside of any judicial process??? Does it not bother you he appointed an AG who still beleives in Reefer madness and...
  16. Huckster79

    Help I think i might have messed up topping my plants

    I hack em down damn near with hedge trimmers at times, the name "weed" is not slang. Too many folks scare nubes these girls are crazy fragile.... not true. Now thats not a licence to abuse or be careless either in their care... but try to breath easy
  17. Huckster79

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    How many weeks from 94 to 98? Thats how long it took Ken Staar to take it to impeachment...
  18. Huckster79

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    But in the Phillipines you can get killed without trial for letting "it" burn... and uncle don thinks thats great!
  19. Huckster79

    Nug Size

    Oh and careful of the fascination with nug size. Just like other things, size aint everything... some genetics will not give you monster nugs but may knock you on yours ass... we all love plant porn but at end of day quality oF the smoke outweighs great pics...
  20. Huckster79

    Nug Size

    Good basic care, right amount of nutes, right enviornment, plenty of light, good genetic and study study study... listen to all sorts of opinions, the only ones i avoid are from people who get pissed at other ppl for not doing it same way they are "cuz therevway works for them therefore its the...