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  1. GanJulia

    What Is Your Favorite Movie Line.......Quote It And Then List Movie

    Ah, too many movies too many lines.. But since i've seen the princess bride recently :D Wesley - Remember this, I will always come for you Buttercup - But how can you be sure? Wesley - This is true love, it doesn't happen every day. Miracle Max - You rush a miracle man, you get rotten...
  2. GanJulia

    The Hottest Guys of Roll It Up !...

    Hottest RIU Men of 2011
  3. GanJulia

    fu#king scarey shit went down

    Ahhh that looks intense :( im glad your okay!
  4. GanJulia

    What was the last present/toy you bought yourself?

    Bought this in Jan. during a snowboarding trip..
  5. GanJulia

    Ever been robbed?

    UM...... wow. I bet you have........ I really wouldn't want to cut you off on the highway. :clap:
  6. GanJulia

    Im an asshole....

    I'm really hoping that you get off this, i've read your thread. My ex boyfriend ruined our life together because of an opiate addiction. at the end he couldnt hold a job, and ended up stealing from me and others to get his drug money. My family put 3 seperate roofs over his head and supported...
  7. GanJulia

    Bowls, Bongs or Blunts for Becca

    I'm so sorry for your loss, only the good die young :( This bong covered in kief is for Becca-Boo, a brave soul and a loving daughter :) rest in peace.
  8. GanJulia

    Ever been robbed?

  9. GanJulia

    Northwest Glass Art?

    That seems weird. Website?
  10. GanJulia

    Ps3>xbox :lol:

    Ps3>xbox :lol:
  11. GanJulia

    Ever been robbed?

    I've actually only recently lost my first pair of underwear to a guy, and he's made it clear im not getting it back :( Were old friends, so im sure one day i'll find them.. I just dont know where he keeps his collection. I couldn't find them for the life of me that night and I wanted to...
  12. GanJulia

    It's either pot or me---choose. <--- how do you deal with this shit from a lover?

    I would never choose a man over mary jane. I've also recently decided i can't be with someone who doesnt smoke as much as I do. Its YOUR life girl, do what you wanna do.
  13. GanJulia

    Ever been robbed?

    LMAO, yeah :clap: matchmaker extraordinaire. but I learned my lessson....hard............
  14. GanJulia

    Ever been robbed?

    Well I found out around christmas time last year that I was being robbed daily by my psycho oxy addicted now ex boyfriend because now i know where lots of money and my iphone has gone... the story is though that my apartment gets broken into at the end of Nov, it was the DAY we were moving out...
  15. GanJulia

    Do you remeber the first crush you had with someone. Not moive star or such

    I was fat and angry in middle school :( freshman year of highschool I walk into health class first day and I'm like damn, that is the cutest guy I've seen!! I dated this guy on and off thewhole year.. I broke his heart twice and he wouldn't let me do it a third time.. we never got back together...
  16. GanJulia

    I Said What What

    in my butt. heyyyy im drunk, I love all of you.. :clap: everybody smoke a joint for me and forget about all your worries :)
  17. GanJulia

    RIU Hottest Men Top 10

    Did I miss yours?! I'm so sorry!! There was like 35+ contestants :( PM your entry and I can add it up real quick!
  18. GanJulia

    RIU Hottest Men Top 10

    I think I woulda had to win to the girls to go out with the winner of the men :( your too sexy for me, pony.
  19. GanJulia

    RIU Hottest Men Top 10

    hhahahahah :clap: i've been waiting for this response.. im like...Louis doesnt know...hmm... hahahahahaha
  20. GanJulia

    Hottest RIU Men of 2011

    win. :clap: