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  1. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Right on... maybe I will mess with it then, I'm sure I can come up with some extra tubing.
  2. AltarNation

    Fem Cotton Candy cotyledon newb

    She should be fine. Once the "real" (serrated) leaves are already emerging and exposed, you're good. They're big enough to make up for the lack of cotyledon already, so you're fine. And looks healthy enough, as long as she's growing. Not much to tell about health at that size. She looks good...
  3. AltarNation

    My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

    Holy shit! Mainlining, Texas Style...? lol.
  4. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Hey poly... I was considering setting someting like that up actually, because I bought a cheap low end "aero cloner" off ebay and I haven't been using it to clone... came with a water pump and a T-unit with four spray heads on top... I was thinkin it'd be fuckin cool to aerate by moving the...
  5. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Hey man- My B, it was actually PetCo... I got their own brand name one, and it works good for me. It's really not powerful enough to match what "the pros say" I guess, so maybe you don't want to get it. It's working for me as far as I can tell, though. My brews smell right, and are even foaming...
  6. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Haha... so... yeah.. stretch is on going, and I don't know how much worse it'll get, but right now it's like, kinda working out, because the C99's stretched significantly more than the raspberries... so now they're about even in height again, lol. I took one C99 down off the two bricks I had...
  7. AltarNation

    trade names

    At first I felt bad for the people he targeted... but the longer I stay, the more he grows on me. I would say he chooses targets pretty well. There is an art to trolling, whether or not you want to see that. I don't really agree with 'trolling for the sake of trolling,' but trolling to make a...
  8. AltarNation

    trade names

    This is the only place I've socialized with other growers who don't know my real name... got a couple "irl" friends who know what I do, but there's no point in an alias as they've known me since long before I started this. So, yeah, I guess my trade name is AltarNation. Hi.
  9. AltarNation

    How were most of your previous jobs acquired?

    Craigslist, or a newspaper in the older days. Well-worded cover letter. A decent resume. Minimal effort overall. But, so important, PRESENCE at the interview... simply being in the moment with the interviewer... Every single job I've had, has been attained this way. I have no college degree...
  10. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    I honestly have no idea if there's seed in it or not... I think MAYBE part of the harvesting process is to take the seeds off first, then the straw separately? I don't really know though, haha. Not a straw farmer. Maybe I will just buy a bale like you said, lol.
  11. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Cool man, very interesting... I have some straw that I stole from accross the street after they harvested last fall, lol. (Left over remnants that they didn't bother cleaning up.) maybe I will try throwin' some in to a tea mix... thanks dude.
  12. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Well, I'm trying to figure a tea, are you sayin you use straw in your tea mix too, or did you mean when mixing the soil? As far as soil, i can totally see straw as beneficial, as I come from a mycology background, and straw is an extremely effective method of propogating mycellium through...
  13. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Oh, right on, that makes sense, I didn't even think of that! haha.
  14. AltarNation

    Giggle's Garden Of Eden, Join Me In My Adventures.

    Man, dem colas! Beautiful!
  15. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Great, thanks a lot for the new recipe Sin, I will give it a go in a couple days... Quick Q... I thought I read something on one of the ACT threads about how you should add some rock dust because it gives the hyphal knots a solid anchor upon which to form... heard anything about that? Did I...
  16. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    Yes, Sincerely has been a great help! So lucky to have someone step up to offer so much help! I thought the eco 1 was way too loud and vibratey, but I am trying to stay really stealth over here, so it might not be as big a deal to you... but the thing vibrated so much that even when I HUNG it...
  17. AltarNation


    Awesome man, 2-3 oz from a half gallon seems amazing to me. Awesome... keep it up bruddah, look forward to seeing more magic... I'm gonna have to find some time to read back through and find out more about how you're makin' this magic work! Props.
  18. AltarNation

    New room, First grow Criticts wanted

    Looks like you got rid of the drapes with the insulation pretty well... double score for the noise reduction I'm sure... right on. Regarding the intake... are you saying you're pulling from INSIDE the wall, (ie, from the space between the sheet rock, between the joists?) or through the wall...
  19. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    I mix in a 5 gal bucket but I would say I only fill to 4 gal's... usually that's just about the right amount... what's left I give to the houseplants. :)
  20. AltarNation

    leaves drying and flaking off?

    hum... they were an inch away from the light? They have serious stretch for plants with a light that close...