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  1. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Stealth Hydros site has some grow info PDF on the DWC bucketeer. I remember seeing it.
  2. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Dood! That's the shit, good idea. My little cabinet is stink free too. I was at lowes today and dropped a whole handfull of bagseeds in an open bag of potting soil. Bwhahahahahahaha
  3. E

    Operation Overgrow

    I seeded some potting soil mix at Lowes. I saw a couple bags in a wheel barrow that were busted open. I dropped a whole handfull of bag seeds in there. Someone will take them busted open bags and use them somewhere...
  4. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Just watch for leaf curling, then u have too much fan. Mine are dry on top somewhat but look good.
  5. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    I was wondering why you don't just do some fans and carbon, instead of a A/C unit. Check out mine. I have a 4x2x81" cabinet and no smell, temp dropped 6 degrees. You could probably make two or build a bigger version of mine.
  6. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Net, How big is your grow area?
  7. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    High but stony mellow. Dunno it pfuked me up anyway
  8. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    This is good but taste nasty
  9. E

    do i spray the plants with water when they're veggin?

    Answered my question +rep
  10. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Ya I know the HPS are kick ass, but wife worried about electric usage. I have replaced all the house lamps with CFLs and the bill did drop some. Do you notice a increase in your bill during flowering cycle? Shit man I am still trying to get a good place to raise my clones while the others are...
  11. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    I'm thinking about ditching the idea of using the HPS in my grow cabinet. It's only 70w but that mutha generates some heat. I gonna go check out the CFLs that are out there. Have any of you done a grow with each type yet. HPS vs CFLs better yeild? Better buds? I have read conflicting post. WTF?
  12. E

    Cfl flower day one

    Funny shit man, I +rep ya
  13. E

    Automatic Temperature Control

    I got my carbon filter done and done cheap! The fan cost me $29 shipped to my door, saved me 75 miles of gas. The dollar store had a bath set that came in a nice nylon net $3. Activated carbon from the COOP $5. So far it has been installed an hour and my smell is gone and cabinet temp has...
  14. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    I got my carbon filter done and done cheap! The fan cost me $29 shipped to my door, saved me 75 miles of gas. The dollar store had a bath set that came in a nice nylon net $3. Activated carbon from the COOP $5. So far it has been installed an hour and my smell is gone and cabinet temp has...
  15. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Not yet still doing the water bottle treatment. Also my 4" fan came in for my ventilation. I'm hoping to work on it early Sunday, if no company shows up. My wife has been putting odor eliminators from the dollar store in my cabinet. LOL I think she is getting into the whole concept of growing weed.
  16. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Bah, gotta work tomorrow. I was gonna work on my grow cabinet, but I told the customer I would have his truck done by Monday. Plus I have other vehicles needing shit done.
  17. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    Crazy science pic kewl, made my screen get huge! I couldn't see the edges of the page. Hehheh Net yew HaX0red my puter.
  18. E

    Automatic Temperature Control

    24 bux at ebay store. Ace Closeouts
  19. E

    Automatic Temperature Control

    Here is what I got from ACE hardware. LUX
  20. E

    Dwc Grow Club

    You are a saint Net.