dude dont buy nirvana autos they dont flower most the time
iv done 9 different strains they all finished under 2 and a half months most around 2 months
i only get fems no problems
get a couple of seeds online
i have some of the latest autos i got 3xcreamcaramel 3xblackjack 3xsyrup 3xblueberry and afew others im kinda lucky
the seedbank gave me 2 free packs for helping them out a little
yeah looksgood sun is good
i grow autos i recommend them
i use 6 24watt cfl energy savers u can give them 24/7 lights best is 20/4
its cheap and u get atleast 14 grams in just under or over 2months
what u think i coulda overwatered but the soil looks very dry i havint feed any real nutes yet could that be it atm iv been on a 13/11 light but know im just gonna try 24/7 it may not have been having enough light? its in 3 litre just juice bottle :)
its a auto power skunk:shock: