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  1. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    well i just checked on them again after only 11 hours and the DGBS exploded with a new top and leaves...leaves were like an inch or so in size...but that was only in 11, amazing how fast they can grow I just also just watered the indica looking things about 36 hours later after the...
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    Anybody ever got stoned in a hot tub?

    wow what a bod on that chick
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    Is It Normal to have your Rear End Squirrely After a Rotation ?

    I didnt see any air valve in the trunk for the shocks
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    Is It Normal to have your Rear End Squirrely After a Rotation ?

    Car not sitting lopsided.....rear end seems tight when I push down on each side...each side reacts the same....doesnt seem to squishy.... Thinking of it I have done 2 or 3 pretty good burnouts in the last week or so where I smelled a lot of rubber
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    Is It Normal to have your Rear End Squirrely After a Rotation ?

    I have the right sized tires....they are a few months old....the car gets checked out all the time....I just had it in the shop....mechanic said everything looks good.....he said front end is real tight, and it is in real nice shape for a cab....I'm wondering if the tires have to "even...
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    Is It Normal to have your Rear End Squirrely After a Rotation ?

    Just curious....I got an 07 police interceptor with newer tires....I put about 9k miles on them, and just gave them their first rotation... And damn, the ass end of this cars shifts all over the place at highway speeds changing lanes.....I just changed the air filter on it, and it was a huge...
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    First grow, Power Flower (Royal Queen)

    you've been feeding it jack's since she popped out of the soil ? And, what dosages have you been giving her ?
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    New Grow t5 or full power cfl??

    sweet man lookin' nice for your first grow...It's going to be a nice feeling to not have to pay for weed, lol
  9. S

    Ordering seeds

    Stop spamming the forum
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    First grow, Power Flower (Royal Queen)

    Lookin good man...I'm watching....I'm interested because I also have one of those freebies and I also use jacks....
  11. S

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    Cd that's just what you need after last grow.....60 day yield from seed, lol...... "CD wants his weed, and he wants it now !!!"
  12. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    well here's an interesting thing I noticed.... I had to water both Kerala Skunk as they were pretty much bone dry....However, I didn't have to water the other 3 indica-looking plants as they still had some moisture left in them.... Obviously when I transplanted I watered them all at the same...
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    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    Well I just checked on them again, and they are definitely not in shock anymore, lol....Looks like they exploded in growth.....They grew bigger in girth, bigger leaves, and a bit taller....Out of all of them I think one of the Kerala Skunks is doing the best...I just hope it's a female.... Stay...
  14. S

    CFM question help appreciated!

    Another factor not everyone always asks is outside cab temp....I am cooling about the same size cab with an 80 cfm bathroom fan right filter....around 250 outside temp is low to mid 60s....inside the plants sit at a comfy 79 4" duct
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    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    cd, you ditchin' the cfls ? and if so, are you going to put the hps in the cardboard box ? **that was a funny story about you "faking" weed hits cause you were too stoned** lmao
  16. S

    HELP PLEASE. Plant 5 feet tall still in 24/0 veg

    dial 911 and tell them you have an emergency
  17. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    Muck, ya that avatar is just plain crazy now...Looks like that buddha guy is running around a pot jungle smoking everything he sees, lol. CD, ya we'll see how they recover...I checked them about 18 hours later or so, and it appeared there was no growth anywhere...I am assume it was a mini-shock...
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    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    Cd you don't think cutting the lights to something like 8on 16off would bud her better ?
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    Pettition to fire the head of DEA

    damn she looks angry....she needs to get high and relax