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  1. S

    What the fuck happened to this site?

    Not having a good search function anymore bothers me a lot more...I know I can google RIU and search that way...yada yada yada....
  2. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    Surgery by the Space Cowboy and his trusted assistant The Space Cat The last one I might have actually fucked up the Fuck I missed and cut it a little low, lol damn....that is actually one of the plain old bag seed also is probably the worst looking plant of them all....Anyways...
  3. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    well cd...I went and read topping vs fimming for a while...My head was spinning...I was gettin tired, and about ready to fall asleep...But I couldn't help but wonder if I should fim or not...My gf who was half asleep asked me what I was doing up still..I said I was debating trying a new...
  4. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    haha thanks for the home depot encouragement....It feels weird cutting it....I guess since I've never done it, and the plants seem so small... Ya, damn....definitely unsure now about the herbies....I may have not had the perfect temps though when I was tryin' to germinate...but it does make you...
  5. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    is this considered topping or fimming ? And can you do it on a sativa or indica ? Also, it looks like I have 4 definite sets of nodes on all or most of the plants now...When is a good time to top or fim ? thanks Oh ya..One last thing...should I wash the scissors with hot water before I use...
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    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    If these dont pop or dont do well I'LL call herbies "Hermies" then, lol
  7. S

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    lol wow Oct 1 ? that seem like ions ago.... have you tried smoking any of it yet ?
  8. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    The ones with the indica-like leaves are as follows : BS - bag seed DBS - definite bag seed DGBS - definite good bag seed the BS and DBS probably came from some Mexican schwagg or something the DGBS has a chance to be something known
  9. S

    Miracle Gro Perlite ??

    haha...that's funny...same nutes and same perlite
  10. S

    Miracle Gro Perlite ??

    I'm going to be going with the Dynamic Duo from Jack's....I'm a newb at growin' still...So I am not sure what else if any I will be adding to grow as I go...Hope this helps, lol.
  11. S

    Miracle Gro Perlite ??

    haha ya I know...that cat is trippin' out hard, lol.
  12. S

    Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow

    Muck, Buddha is smoking too much....Looks like he's about ready to cough up a lung...Tell him you have plenty more, and that there's no reason for him to smoke as much as he has been.
  13. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    A few after pics....I just realized I got 13 bulbs on now...that's almost max for the fart fan I have...Think it's time to order the new high powered fan so I will be ready when it's time to add more lights.
  14. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    well I just did the transplant...almost all of them except one or two I think were pretty root bound....I think next time around I will be going with air-pots from the start, and no party cups....Anyhoo, here are some pics of the transplant....
  15. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    lmao....well when the going gets weird.....the weird turn pro. :hump:
  16. S

    Miracle Gro Perlite ??

    thanks jointed...i went with it.
  17. S

    Miracle Gro Perlite ??

    I just picked up a bag at wally world cuz I ran out of my other stuff....It says "enriched with Miracle Gro Plant Food".... Is it ok to use this stuff ? Or is it a no-no? If it matters my mix is Pro-mix HP, worm castings, lime, and the perlite.... Thanks, SC
  18. S

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    They are pretty much like that all the time....I checked the bottom of the cups yesterday and I saw some roots at the bottom of some of I prepped some new soil, and I am about ready to transplant. Oh, and I am assuming your avatar smoked some weed from your last grow, and that's why...
  19. S

    compost tea am i understanding

    Stowandgrow.....I'd like to know just one thing....Is that monkey high or straight when he plays hockey ? Thanks, SC
  20. S

    not mj or plant related. any body else having severy stomach pains ?

    Weird you said that....upstate ny here and my gf has been complaining about stomach pains for the last week.....I thought it might be stress though as we may be on the cusp of a breakup after 9 yrs together