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  1. 1993stoner

    Golden Eagle swoops on child.

    THAT is some crazy shit.
  2. 1993stoner

    elementary school shooting in newton ct

    not letting my daughter go to school.
  3. 1993stoner

    You know you're stoned, when??????

    awwwww bro. i made this thread already!
  4. 1993stoner

    My K2 high experience

    i actually have my daughter for the day
  5. 1993stoner

    20 acts of kindness

    a couple of years ago ,when me and my family were not doing so well, an old lady gave my dad 300 dollars for christmas.
  6. 1993stoner

    Music you listen to while stoned?

    yrah im the same way
  7. 1993stoner

    Music you listen to while stoned?

    rap, dubstep, clasical
  8. 1993stoner

    My K2 high experience

    just checking... did u mean weed will be ten bucks an ounce?
  9. 1993stoner

    My K2 high experience

    i feel like this is the best way to put how it feels.
  10. 1993stoner

    My K2 high experience

    there never was a bad feeling actually. it just freaked me out i guess because it was a new feeling. it was some deep shit man. imagine lsd without the halusinations
  11. 1993stoner

    My K2 high experience

    alot of tight asses on this forum
  12. 1993stoner

    My K2 high experience

    just sharing an exp.
  13. 1993stoner

    My K2 high experience

    my bro brought home some wolf pack stealth k2 shit from a tobacco shop. we planed on smoking a couple bowls but that changed after i took my third hit. it came on fast. one second we were talking and laughing the next... silence. my brother started freaking out and grabed the dog leash and left...
  14. 1993stoner


    kush bro! glad to be back. Bringing youth back to riu!
  15. 1993stoner


    its not an exersice routine to me. its concentrated maturbation. Masturbation with a purpose.
  16. 1993stoner

    add me to yahoo

    i will not add you weirdo.
  17. 1993stoner


    i act ten on here cause its funny and i like the reactions. in actuality im a semi serious pot smoking athelete with a large meat swinger.
  18. 1993stoner

    This shit is SERIOUS

    ive no idea. let us know if u find out
  19. 1993stoner

    This shit is SERIOUS

    Id say less than a decade from now weed will be legal nation wide. The more states that make it legal the faster more states will be forced to make a decision.