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    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    my mom dreaded the same thing when i was in school. she smoked a shitload back then and always had a lot bud at the house
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    outdoor grow

    what are the pros/cons of topping and FIM and how are they done correctly ¿¿
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    my 1st grow

    does anyone know if it could be mold ¿? if so how can i remove it?
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    whats BT stand for ¿? where can i get it if i need it
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    spider mites need help 1st time grow

    i read in another thread that misting your plants with 1:1 rubbing alcohol and water will kill spider mites
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    SkyLight Growin :O) How did You do??

    my 5 plants i got are doing fine in my window
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    spider mites need help 1st time grow

    its a jewelers loupe lol. my grand dad was a jeweler for a short time in the 90's. if i inherited one, its in my attic.
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    spider mites need help 1st time grow

    a few days ago i thought i had spider mites, how can i kno for sure ¿?
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    my 1st grow

    here are pictures of the 2 plants my dog nibbled on, the taller plant is 7 weeks old and the other is 3 weeks old and the culprit attacked who them
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    my 1st grow

    right now i got 5 plants, 2 just under 2 months old and 3 just under a month old. there all mystery seeds and think i may have a problem with one plant i got from a friend. it was transplanted like 4 times due to his father noticed it... witnessed relocation lol. long story short is that he...
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    my first outdoor, what do ya think

    same here with my plants, its my first grow too. i got 2 plants that are almost 2 months old and 3 just under a month old. i have no clue what strains i planted.... mystery seeds lol. i am gonna start a thread after i locate my usb cable for my camera and post pics.
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    my first outdoor, what do ya think

    any clue if they are females ¿?
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    Remedy for bug problem?

    2 weeks ago i googled spider mites and found this remedy. It has been suggested that spraying plants with a 1:1 mixture of alcohol and water will kill spider mites on contact. Rubbing alcohol, like any alcohol for any creature, is poisonous in high dosages, and it evaporates quickly doing...