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  1. Ablaze

    Bent stem

    Upload the pics as a file. "Upload a File"
  2. Ablaze

    First Grow Setup Have at least one successful grow before you do what you read in these forums. What you read here is to get the maximum out of a plant and comes with risk. If you look at all the threads asking for help, it's mostly first time grows...
  3. Ablaze

    First plant growing , a second stem from soil appears ?

    Transplant it and enjoy a second plant.
  4. Ablaze

    can I transplant this autoflower?

    I think the benefits of getting it in a bigger pot than 7 square inches outweigh anything else.
  5. Ablaze

    An idea I’ve had

    Don't forget to show us it's progress.
  6. Ablaze

    First Closet Grow Made Easy

    Under ideal conditions, maybe 1.5 oz. A successful first try might be about an oz. So very true. Many, many variables. This is probably a good start for a personal grow. There are many ways to get a better harvest.
  7. Ablaze

    keeping cats out of the garden

    Yeah charface. I have a decent size raised vegetable garden bed. Because the soil is so loose they love to use it as their catbox. Their feces contains parasites not unlike what the recent N.K. defector had. I tried just about everything mentioned above, but nothing would stop them. I have...
  8. Ablaze

    keeping cats out of the garden

    For those who don't want to kill them, buy a live animal trap. Sorry, but they could be up to $40. Take it to the humane society. Don't tell them where you caught it, because they will nuter it and then release it back to where you got it. Just pick somewhere else.
  9. Ablaze

    Can I top this autoflower?

    Cool. I hope it works! You'll have to let us know when it's done. Nice looking plant.
  10. Ablaze

    Can I top this autoflower?

    Just out of curiosity, why do you want to top? I'm just curious. I don't grow Autos, but I wouldn't have thought to do that.
  11. Ablaze

    Pre-flower Help

    I do think I see a banana in the middle picture but it is kinda blurry (and I certainly wouldn't make any decision about it yet). But more importantly, how long has it been since you've looked at your leaves with a good magnifying glass or microscope? I see a whole lot of dots on your leaves...
  12. Ablaze

    Need help...its been a while!

    This isn't necessarily addressing the leaves curling, but how long has it been since you've examined one of them with a good magnifying glass or microscope? It could be nothing, but those white dots got my attention. I'd look over the base of the plant in the bottom picture just 'cuz it can't...
  13. Ablaze

    First Closet Grow Made Easy

    Nice summary and good advice. I also use my real information when getting seeds. Nirvana is good, but I prefer to stick with stateside seedbanks.
  14. Ablaze

    What in God's name....

    They can stay dormant in the grow room for quite a while. Make sure you sanitize the grow room. Leave one breading pair and you'll see them once again in a few weeks.
  15. Ablaze

    Please help!!

    Yes, a 23 Watt CFL is about 100 Watt equivalent. Consider LED for your next purchase. Similar LED bulbs use about 15 Watts and also create less heat. Even if these regular LED bulbs touch the plant, it may not burn them. Grow light LEDs are very different. It worries me that you can only...
  16. Ablaze

    Questionable problem

    Here's an example of foxtails from my last grow.
  17. Ablaze

    Please help!!

    If it survives FFOF from seed, luck may be on your side. FFOF is like coffee for plants. It's a delight for adults, but not really for children. Be careful with adding nutes going forward. Remember FFOF is amazing stuff. But for $25 a bag, it should be. Your next challenge will be lighting...
  18. Ablaze

    Questionable problem

    Yeah, I also think it's beginning to foxtail. That just means it's growing more bud.
  19. Ablaze

    Repelling White Flies

    Not much you can do, but you can put up a fight. Shake the plants to get them to fly away, carefully spray them with a stream of water, and you can buy ladybugs online any time of the year. That said, you won't be very successful. If this is a problem that you've dealt with for a couple of...
  20. Ablaze

    Female or male?????
