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  1. DesertSativa

    Mandala Seeds Sadhu Grow

    I forgot to add that these babies are going to be a severe stress grow. I am going to grow these in hot temperatures. Now the day time temps are in the mid eighties, and the temps inside at night are also in the mid eighties, so even now, too warm. Eventually, these babies will be subjected...
  2. DesertSativa

    Lowryder 2 hybrids

    I have received them in the states.
  3. DesertSativa

    Lowryder 2 hybrids

    That means he has ALWAYS gotten his order. There has NEVER been a time where he DID NOT get his order. But it looks like you both dislike Ex. I have personally never tired it and never will.
  4. DesertSativa

    MOLD on my buds!!

    Yeah, shake the buds around when you burp.
  5. DesertSativa

    Wonder woman harvested

    You can do either, some think that leaving the smaller leaves protects the trich's while drying, and other's say cutting the small leaves make it dry faster. I personally think it is easer to trim the leaves when the buds are still wet and flexible. That way you can cut the stems of the leaves...
  6. DesertSativa

    plz give me your input!

    Well you are on the right track. Since you are going to keep them until May, than once they sprout you need to put them in small pots. Since you are planting in the ground, you should get some Coco pots to start them, then once it is time, bury the whole pot int the ground, as the roots will...
  7. DesertSativa

    My pot movie

    Too bad it a Blazer and he is in Canada. At least you got the boots right.
  8. DesertSativa

    plz give me your input!

    Alright, let me go into more detail. Seedling need alot of moisture but not necessarily a lot of water. A good rule of thumb is to keep them in as small container as possible with out constricting the roots. So before we can begin to give advice, we need to know more information about your...
  9. DesertSativa

    A little help

    Looks like 5-8 weeks. Enjoy!
  10. DesertSativa

    plz give me your input!

    Same as you, when they are thirsty. Water when the leaves begin to droop a little.
  11. DesertSativa

    A home for my seeds

    What hemisphere are you on? Hopefully the southern.
  12. DesertSativa

    Mandala Seeds Sadhu Grow

    Week 2 - 4-6-08 Gettin' bigger! Now, the first two is the one I believe is a male, and the second two are the second plant, that looks to be female. We will see if my predictions are correct!:joint:
  13. DesertSativa

    Mandala Seeds Sadhu Grow

    I sprouted two seeds a lil' bet ago and thought that I would document their growth. Now they are outside during the day and under fluorescents during the night. Once they are bigger and the days are longer, they will be moved outside. I haven't decided where though. Either in the ground and...
  14. DesertSativa

    Grape Ape vs. The Purps

    The rage is because every rap song talks about purp.
  15. DesertSativa

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    Man, those are coming up fast! You inspired me to start all my other Mandala Sadhu seeds. I started the germination process today. Maybe I will start a journal as well.
  16. DesertSativa

    My pot movie

    Please don't turn BDW thread into hitting on chicks. Keep it to their grow journals. :peace:
  17. DesertSativa

    Belladonna Smoke Report/Strain Review

    What do you mean junk? You don't like a million questions about different seed banks and if they ship to the states? Beautiful buds by the way.
  18. DesertSativa

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    I have some Mandala Sadhu seeds and the few I tried, 100% germ. They have great stuff. I really want to grow their Satori.
  19. DesertSativa

    My pot movie

    For some reason, the Who changed the name to Baba O'Riley, but you are right, that song choice was, well, choice.:joint:
  20. DesertSativa


    So to sum up everything we know, we know nothing. Damn I want some of these seeds.