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  1. volcanoOFhistory

    is miracle grow seed starting soil safe?

    Check out subcools super soil recipe in the organics section!
  2. volcanoOFhistory

    Soliciting Ideas For A Automated Watering Outdoor Grow.

    Thinking Ahead to next year and im thinking about trying to set up an outdoor grow with a automated watering reserrvoir. Im thinking A dc12 high psi pump, digitall timer, a bunch of 1/2" diameter tubing with drip emmiters, 12v battery with a trickle solar charger and either a big rubbermaid tub...
  3. volcanoOFhistory

    2 weeks flowering, pics inside, general advice wanted about plant and feeding.

    get some of those ziplock vacume bags to transport.
  4. volcanoOFhistory

    Decisions Decisions

    Ive read that you have to watch the temp of your reservoir pretty carefully with the dwc and similar methods where the roots stay submerged. If the water gets over a certain temp algea starts to form and can rui your plants. I'd look at a few threads to get the real temp but i think it was over...
  5. volcanoOFhistory

    help w/ DIY drying tent

    You could poke small holes in a camping tent and tie pieces of string to the support poles on the outside of the tent and hang ur bud on the strings.
  6. volcanoOFhistory


    Ive been using maxibloom this year on my outdoor stuff..almost the same ratio you are using and my plants are looking great.
  7. volcanoOFhistory

    4,000 watt grand daddy purple grow 6 weeks into flowering

    SHit.. Id buy that at 220 a z all day long
  8. volcanoOFhistory

    So excited!!!!!

    I loved the laced weed comment on the I'm going to kill myself thread! Like some dealer is gonna take 80 bucks worth of coke and dump it on a 60 dollar bag of weed and then sell it to you for 60 bucks. When I was in high school many years ago I remember smokin some decent Nug with some chicks...
  9. volcanoOFhistory

    Please, I Need Help With a Dilemma I am Having?

    I would harvest em a week early.... If you cure em real good you shouldnt lose too much potency.
  10. volcanoOFhistory

    Where do "regs" come from?

    Shoot man.. they probably want at least some seed in the buds... makes the buds weigh more for a given volume.
  11. volcanoOFhistory

    is this a MG deficiency???

    I was having something like that happen once upon a time...some epsom salts in water then no more prob. Some fert dosent have mag mixed in sooooooo.. gotta add it urself
  12. volcanoOFhistory

    Help...Yellowing on starters...Mg deficency?

    Yah... maybe even quarter them while your plant recovers.
  13. volcanoOFhistory

    Help...Yellowing on starters...Mg deficency?

    Maybe too much nutes for such small babies. You should not be using anything close to full strength nutes.
  14. volcanoOFhistory

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Holy Shit! you are the farkin man! I have'n laughed that much in a while...for that is supremely ghetto.....BUt mad props dude! You did a great job!
  15. volcanoOFhistory

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Fabulous set up! Ever think about tocking some t5 fluro's
  16. volcanoOFhistory

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Bro..go to walmart and buy some of dem cheep ass emergency blankets in the camping section and line that sucker with them.
  17. volcanoOFhistory

    How much weed can i get off of a 1 foot marijuana clone.

    There is so much you havent said. How much direct sunlight do they get? Did u just put them out now? because if they are going into flowering at only a foot you are not going to get a very large harvest. The genetics of the plant will also play a part in how much you will yeild.
  18. volcanoOFhistory

    Valencia strain- UNBELIEVABLE! *pics* Origins?

    The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!