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  1. Antny420

    Rich's Girl

    There was alot of plant in that basket..More than I thought
  2. Antny420

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    Sorry hoss I was mistaken..2 months ago you didnt pay the bills and your family had to move...
  3. Antny420

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    I kno one thing I have money I spend it too.But my lights are on for me and my kids...
  4. Antny420

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    I think you posted that story to make ur self feel better like your some almighty man who can do things for people for cheap.Shitty thing is last month you had no electricity and were getting booted from your pad...Not a life I want to live as a child..But I guess since your such a great guy ur...
  5. Antny420

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    That sounds bunk as fuck..Goodluck making it working for nothing.Im a house Painter and you can't even get me outta bed unless its for nothing less than 200 a day
  6. Antny420

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Its never under control untill lives get taken
  7. Antny420

    A Peek At My Outdoor Medical Garden.

    We need it....
  8. Antny420

    A Peek At My Outdoor Medical Garden.

    Weeds taking a back seat to my baseball.LETS GO GIANTS LETS GO
  9. Antny420

    Rich's Girl

    Go to the hydro shop and get some clearex..Thats what I flush with..
  10. Antny420

    First Outdoor Grow Tray Dizzle

    Lookin nice and green buddy.....
  11. Antny420

    another cali summer...2010

    MIA...Hope all is good..
  12. Antny420

    is there anybody else i need to yell at?

    Thats when that person gets beat up
  13. Antny420

    Rich's Girl

    Damn I wake and its 70 not frosty..Shes lookin good brother..
  14. Antny420

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    Well Iv also heard that the Indicas will ripen in no time.My buddy does La con and that shit will flip fast.You should have no problem finishing the heavy indicas before frost
  15. Antny420

    A Peek At My Outdoor Medical Garden.

    So I have harvested the BB cheese and the im not real green crack..Pics to come
  16. Antny420

    Salmon Creek Big Bud mediocre yield ??!!

    Makes sense to me
  17. Antny420

    Anyone grown bubblegum strain before?

    I got a 10 two 7s and a 9 footer all in kellog patio plus.That shits only 5.97 a bag at lowes
  18. Antny420


    If your gonna do anything go throw some hands witn them and show them whats up.Dont ever fuck with no ones shit it can't fight back
  19. Antny420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Im a house paniter 99.9% of painter blaze and the ones who dont just smoke crank
  20. Antny420

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    Nice purps stonie...Do you kno the strain