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  1. Antny420

    What kind of job do you have?

    90% of jobs here drug test
  2. Antny420

    Salmon Creek Big Bud mediocre yield ??!!

    Im thinking maybe a hermie.Iv heard Its clone only from alot of people..
  3. Antny420

    is there anybody else i need to yell at?

    yea thats true too people see what you got goin on and get jelious.If that happens it dont matter how close of friends you are.Id move if that was one of your options
  4. Antny420

    is there anybody else i need to yell at?

    Yea I feel the same way I know my grows not on the same level as yours but I worry like hell and no one knows me in this town.
  5. Antny420

    is there anybody else i need to yell at?

    I kno you are up doin your think but no one wants to get into a shoot out or just have to kill someone.
  6. Antny420

    is there anybody else i need to yell at?

    What I wanna know is are you worried about being jacked?Since these friends want bragging rights since they have neevr been apart of anything cool like this.Who knows who they will tell?
  7. Antny420

    Salmon Creek Big Bud mediocre yield ??!!

    Where did you get seeds of it from?.I would kill to have some true SCBB
  8. Antny420

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    Are you gonna back cross the Lavender/Satori back to the PE and try and lower the flowering time?
  9. Antny420


    Kids straight drama huh..ahahaha
  10. Antny420


    Drama? What a dip shit why even come post if all you have to say is garbage....Much love Pnugs F them haters
  11. Antny420

    Salmon Creek Big Bud mediocre yield ??!!

    Do you have any finished? if so post a pic of it please
  12. Antny420

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    Whats wit hall the foot guys?
  13. Antny420

    Salmon Creek Big Bud mediocre yield ??!!

    I have a few clones of the Salmon I got.Mine came from harborside health center in oakland..Mines starting to tuen like a very soft light purple
  14. Antny420

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    Your buds will not be as bif Filmore because the sturcture of the plant is rather small from being in the basket.It will be dank tho I bet
  15. Antny420

    boiling or hot water in roots ON HARVEST DAY??

    You should just hang the root system too so it can suck up all "goodness" you speak of for days...haha
  16. Antny420

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    I must have missed what happened to the pup.Tell him I said I hope he heals up soon
  17. Antny420

    outdoor bud season . . . post your pics!

    Id tear it up
  18. Antny420

    outdoor yeld

    clones get big I have a 9ff haze x skunk and a 7 ft martian mean green.All bought as babies in may..
  19. Antny420

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    Awesome shots buddy.Should be a fat harvest...