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  1. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Headed to the glass shop to pick up an oil pipe. Having trouble breaking through with the machine, figured I'd take a whack at it tweeker style... ;)
  2. JealousGreen

    Short Ryder Feminized under 250 Watt HPS in Small Grow Tent

    Looking great brother.. I'd be flushing now if I was in your shoes. You want all those leaves to yellow out completely and start falling off. Two weeks is a short time.. Can't wait to help you smoke it...:fire:
  3. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Back to reality. Blasted off an hour ago. 50 mg in the machine. Closed eye visual trip for about 20 min. Totally indescribable really. Just beauty and bliss. I am DMT.
  4. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Silverhawks was the shit. I loved that show. I can still remember running around the house playing "silverhawks" with my little brother.
  5. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Sealed the deal for me.. I'm gonna have another go this evening.
  6. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Not the smoke, the fresh extracted crystals.
  7. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Anyone else love the smell of Dmt? Reminds me of Orange blossoms
  8. JealousGreen


    Knock and it shall be opened unto you?
  9. JealousGreen

    AN Mother Earth Tea as a Base Nute

    It can be used as a base, but kind of requires alot, I've run it at about 25ml per gallon. Kind of a high ppm for the tap water.. I'd use r/o
  10. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Robotrippin is far from hyperspace. ;)
  11. JealousGreen

    Why is She Praying to the Gods?

    If they stretch between nodes they want more light.
  12. JealousGreen

    Qp of Master Kush?

    Colorados prices are awesome. People tell me $200 an oz for top shelf all the time.
  13. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Got chills for you PV. Excellent.
  14. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    "Don't diddle the dose" -Terence McKenna The only thing worse than an overly intense experience is one that isn't strong enough... Don't be afraid of Dmt. You could have rootbark in less than a week if you order tomorrow. You could have a usable amount of Dmt 24-48 hours later.
  15. JealousGreen


    Ooohh... I want a matching uniform with a laser too!
  16. JealousGreen

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    May 21st 2011 11:11 pm US Mountain standard time. Inaugural RIU SHE I'll be loading "the machine" with 80mg and vaping till I can't see anymore. Is that time ok? I like the numbers to line up...
  17. JealousGreen

    Why is She Praying to the Gods?

    Bad advice for seedlings.
  18. JealousGreen

    Why is She Praying to the Gods?

    What's the problem?.. "v" shaped leaves are a sign of a, very happy plant.
  19. JealousGreen

    Qp of Master Kush?

  20. JealousGreen

    NEED Confirmation whether Male HD Pics Posted

    Nice balls big fella.. you come here often? Couldn't help noticing your big juicy balls and I just had to come over to introduce myself... ;) If you see a white hair, its a girl. Remember, girls have sexy little white pubes, boys show their balls.